
2015/11/19 瀏覽次數:8 收藏



  因果、(because, in that, for, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, given, hence, so…that, so...as to, if…then, when...then, as long as……)遷移轉變、(albeit, although, though, but, despite, even though, however, in spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, while, whatever, regardless, even if, even though, yet, and yet……)遞進、(even, indeed………)比較、(in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of, not…but, paradoxically, ironically, surprisingly, unexpectedly, curiously……)等等。


  作為研討生院入學的參考測驗,大概是為了表現內容有深度,許多句子觸及到了各個學科的配景常識。同時基於對全部學科門生都要公正的原則,全部的標題在 解題點上都不觸及配景常識。為了做到這一點,許多時刻ETS都是把謎底放到句子中,然後用說話上的線索提醒你去把它找出來。如下是供給反復線索的幾種常見 情勢:

  (1) 簡略的直接反復

  The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of ___, though the majestic beauty of nature is indeed an important consideration.

  A. economics B. legislation C. cleanliness D. aesthetics E. restoration


  Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of----can boost sales of video clips very nicely.

  A. self-deprecation B. congeniality C. cynicism D. embarrassment E. self-doubt


  Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world ___of___.

  A. bereft.. theatricality B. composed.. adversity C. full.. circumstantiality D. deprived.. polarity

  E. devoid.. neutrality


  (2) 說明型反復

  The Muses are___deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms.

  A. rueful B. ingenuous C. solicitous D. vindictive E. dispassionate


  Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents___.

  A. demur B. schism C. cooperation D. compliance E. shortsightedness

  冒號背面的內容說明了民主方法運作的事情集團中為什麽少有緊張的辯論,以是縱然看不懂a modicum of

  tolerance for dissent是甚麽器械,也應當曉得這個器械防止了緊張辯論,故選B。

  (3) 依據語法構造揣摸反復:

  The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary ___ that permits very little ___.

  A. text.. clarity B. work.. tradition C. genre.. deviation

  D. oration.. grandiloquence E. achievement.. rigidity

  a literary ___ that permits very little ___. 是前面的a very strict form的同位語,以是第一空格填form的同義或近義詞,that permits very little___. 這個從句完成後應為strict的同義或近義詞。

  Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but this dominance has, until very

  recently, been regarded merely as ___ fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.

  A. a controversial B. a statistical C. an analytical D. an explicit E. an unimpeachable

  這道題一樣,a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.是前面的___ fact的同義反復,以是空格應填入文獻學家存眷的究竟,已知的五個選項裏明顯只有B選項的statistical(統計的)是文獻學家的分內事情。

  (4) 憑仗具備指導感化的形容詞或代詞來探求反復

  Longdale and Stern discovered that mitochondria and chloroplasts ___ a long, identifiable sequence of DNA; such a coincidence could be ___ only by the transfer of DNA between the two systems.

  A. manufacture.. accomplished B. reveal.. repeated C. exhibit.. determined

  D. share.. explained E. maintain.. contradicted

  下半句的such a coincidence解釋第一空格的動詞填入後應表現為是一種偶合,兩個看不懂是甚麽的、只曉得是不同樣的器械(非相幹專業的絕大部門門生是不太大概認 識mitochondria和chloroplasts這兩個詞的)如何了一個長的、可以以為是千篇一律的DNA序列便是一個偶合呢?固然只有D的 share表現了這個意思。

  Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be ___ , which makes them ___ unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect and punish wrongdoing.

  A. contested.. provisional B. circumvented.. antiquated C. repealed.. vulnerable

  D. violated.. ineffective E. modified.. unstable

