【名師解析】GRE考試每日一練(等價) 11月23日

2015/11/23 瀏覽次數:8 收藏


  With university lecture halls rivaling small-concert venues in terms of the number of those in attendance, it _____ incoming freshmen--most long coddled in an intimate learning environment—to become adept at navigating the treacherous waters of anonymity.

  A. implicates

  B. is incumbent upon

  C. behooves

  D. removes the onus for

  E. is unfair for

  F. benefits


  B C


  Freshmen are no longer "coddled in an..." Instead they are in the "treacherous waters...anonymity."Therefore, no one is there to help them. It is up to them, or incumbent upon them. (C) is a synonym.

  (D) means removing the burden of responsibility, which is the opposite of the context. (A) suggest a sense of guilt that is not supported by the context.

  (F) could work, but it has no similar answer choice.


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