
2015/12/09 瀏覽次數:3 收藏


  1. 環保話題類

  white pollute 白色汙染

  sustainable development 可連續成長

  ecosystem 生態體系

  environmental pollution 情況汙染

  over-fishing (overgrazing) 過分捕撈 (過分放牧)

  sand storm 沙塵暴

  resource exhaustion 資本枯竭

  water and soil conservation 水土堅持

  soil erosion 泥土流失

  clear-cutting (deforestation) 濫砍濫伐

  desertification 戈壁化

  conserve natural resources 掩護天然資本

  shortage of fresh water 淡水缺乏

  disruption of ecological balance 生態失衡

  natural preservation zone 天然掩護區

  2. 教導話題類

  the craze for graduate school 考研熱

  surf the internet 網上沖浪

  cyberspace 收集空間

  inter-disciplinary talent 復合型人材

  assignment of graduates 卒業生分派

  net friend 網友

  examination-oriented education 應試教導

  teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教

  quality-oriented education 本質教導

  compulsory education 責任教導

  internet bar 網吧

  adult (continuing) education 成人教導

  distance education 長途教導

  campus culture校園文化

  two-way selection 雙向選取

  work-study program 勤工儉學

  double degree 雙學位

  non-resident student 走讀生

  resident student 投止生

  extracurricular activities 課外運動

  self-taught examination 自學測驗

  become well-educated through self-study 自學成才

  to reduce study load 門生減負

  web-addiction 沉淪於上彀

  3. 社會熱門類

  Project Hope 願望工程

  information revolution 信息革命

  jerry-built projects 豆腐渣工程

  population explosion 生齒爆炸

  epidemic disease 流行癥

  dropout students 失學兒童

  laid-off worker 下崗工人

  reemployment project 再就業工程

  clone technology 克隆技巧

  migrate laborer 民工

  crack down on counterfeit goods / fake products 打假

  devalue 貶值

  expand domestic demand 擴展內需

  state-owned enterprise 國有企業

  deflation 通貨壓縮


  rechargeable card 沖值卡

  Smooth Traffic Project 通順工程

  anti-fake label 防偽標記

  poverty alleviation 扶貧

  infrastructure construction 基本舉措措施

  vicious circle 惡性輪回

  gender discrimination 性別輕視

  psychological quality生理本質

  pattern of consumption 花費構造

  consumers’ association花費者協會

  green food綠色食物

  money worship 拜金主張

  Olympic committee 奧委會

  host city 舉行都會

  bid for Olympic 申辦奧運會

  4. 經濟文化類

  regional protectionism 處所掩護主義

  tax evasion 偷稅漏稅

  purchasing power 購置力

  cybereconomy 收集經濟

  personal income tax 小我所得稅

  risk investment 危害投資

  after sale service 售後辦事

  stock exchange 股票生意業務


  decline / recession / depression 萎縮/闌珊/冷落

  5. 科技成長類

  broadband networks 寬帶網

  multimedia 多媒體

  hacker 黑客

  e-business 電子商務

  pirated software 盜版軟件

  pseudo-science / superstition 迷信

  computer virus電腦病毒

  on-line shopping 網上購物

  get / surf on-line 上彀

  test-tube baby 試管嬰兒

  Orbital Station 空間站
