(一)火成巖(igneous rock)是指巖漿冷卻後(地殼裏噴出的巖漿,大概被熔化的現存巖石),成形的一種巖石。
花崗巖 granite: a very hard grey rock, often used in building
玄武巖 basalt: a type of black rock produced by volcanoes
黑曜石 obsidian: a type of rock that looks like black glass
浮石 pumice: very light grey rock from a volcano
granite basalt obsidian pumice
Dating was used to establish that half of the sandstone in the samples was formed at the same time the granite in the Appalachian Mountains was formed. TPO-1
(二)沉積巖(sedimentary rock)是在地表不太深之處,將其他巖石的風化產品和一些火山噴發物,經由水流或冰川的搬運、沉積、成巖感化構成的巖石。
煤 coal: a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock
砂石 sandstone: a type of soft yellow or red rock
石灰石 limestone: a type of rock that contains calcium
頁巖 shale: a smooth soft rock which breaks easily into thin flat pieces
石膏 gypsum: a soft white substance
白雲石 dolomite: a kind of sedimentary rock
coal sandstone limestone shale gypsum dolomite
It was formed from sandstone that solidified somewhere between 150 and 300 million years ago. TPO-1
Another difference, very important today for distinguishing between older lake beds and newer ones, is the location of the limestone formations. TPO-9
(三)變質巖(metamorphic rock)是指遭到地球內部力氣(溫度、壓力、應力的變更、化學身分等)改革而成的新型巖石。固態的巖石在地球內部的壓力和溫度感化下,產生物資身分的遷徙和重結晶,構成新的礦物組合。
大理石 marble: a type of hard rock that becomes smooth when it is polished
石英石 quartzite: hard metamorphic rock consisting essentially of interlocking quartz crystals
板巖 slate: a dark grey rock that can easily be split into flat thin pieces
片麻巖 gneiss: a laminated rock similar to granite
marble quartzite slate gneiss
Then they shipped these plastic casts to workshops all over the empire, where they were replicated in marble or bronze. TPO-18
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