
2016/05/17 瀏覽次數:4 收藏



  2. analyze: whats difference between analyze and evaluate?

  "evaluate" usually means to make some sort of judgment.

  "analyze", on the other hand, just means that you're supposed to delve into the reasons for, or the operation of, or the origins of, whatever the article is about.

  for instance:

  evaluate the effectiveness of this government program --> this means that you should tell whether the program was effective, and possibly to what degree.

  analyze the effectiveness of this government program --> this means that you should explore the reasonswhy the program was effective (or not), and possibly also analyze the populations for whom it was most (or least) effective.

  3. implications of research finding

  this would take her research finding, and then explore one or both of the following two types of implications:

  (1) scientific facts for which this finding serves as evidence (or scientific hypotheses that are disproved by this evidence)

  (2) the effect of this research finding on things like policy, laws, etc.

  4. argue against/argue in favour

  in this context, "argue" is simply the verb form of "argument". as you probably know from doing all this CR, an "argument" is absolutely any series of statements that is meant to make any point at all.

  5. call into question

  "call into question" is another way of saying "provide evidence against".

  6. examine

  not really any different from "analyze".

  7. Reconcile

  this is basically the same thing as one of those CR questions that asks you to "resolve the paradox" or "explained the discrepancy".

  "reconcile" means that you're supposed to take two seemingly contradictory statements and explain how they could both work at the same time.



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