
2016/05/23 瀏覽次數:16 收藏

  英語中常見的標點標記有逗號(,) 分號(;)冒號(:)破折號(-)句號(.)標點標記的應用是讓句子的意思表達加倍清晰,破折號( - )是一個靈巧的標點標記,GMAT測驗中偶然會用到。偶然破折號可以取代逗號來應用本日咱們就說一下GMAT語法破折號考核的常識點。


  破折號:單項破折號重要用在一個說明性句子的前面,好比He has two sisters-----a doctor and a teacher.而雙向破折號是插入語的身分,也是說明解釋,好比Two of the strongest animals in the jungle—the elephant and gorilla—are vegetarians.



  By January 2, 2000, the so-called “Y2K problem” was already widely considered a joke—although the reason for the non-event was the huge corporate and governmental investment in prior countermeasures.


  My three best friends—Danny, Jimmy, and Joey—and I went skiing.

  這句話假如用逗號就會讓人誤認為有七小我go skiing 。


  Post-MBA compensation for investment bankers tends to surge far ahead of that for management consultants—by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year.

  上面的這個例子中by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year 說明句子前面的far。


  1、Blaming its recent troubles on a widening recession and slow rate of technology spending, the computer company announced that it would cut 10 percent of its workforce--more than 2,000 jobs--and expected to report a loss in its third quarter.

  (A) company announced that it would cut 10 percent of its workforce--more than 2,000 jobs--and expected to report a

  (B) company announced that there would be a cut--10 percent of its workforce, which was more than 2,000 jobs--and expected a reported

  (C) company announced the cutting of its workforce by 10 percent, more than 2,000 jobs, and it expected a reported

  (D) company's announcement included the cutting of its workforce by 10 percent, or more than 2,000 jobs, and expecting to report a

  (E) company's announcement included cutting its workforce--which is more than 2,000 jobs--and expecting there to be a reported


  A. 準確,10 percent of its workforce做為would cut的賓語,癥結信息沒有喪失,再用一對破折號內的more than 2,000 jobs對10 percent of its workforce做出解釋,使句子意思表達更精確。

  B. There be句型與直接的主謂構造it (指代the company) would cut …比擬,後者加倍直接,行動的發出者、蒙受者明白,相符GMAT的簡練、精準原則;別的,該選項將10 percent of its workforce至於了一對破折號(dash, -)之間,將這一信息“掩埋”了。

  C. and it expected….中的it指代前句的主語the company,現實為過剩,直接應用and expected與announced平行便可,過剩的it造成為了run-on毛病;expected to report a loss表現“將會”喪失,而expected a reported loss寄義則分歧:a reported loss註解,喪失是已產生,並且已被申報出來,與句子原意不符。

  D. Blaming的邏輯主語請求是the company,選項以announcement做主語,故毛病;外面構造上來看,included包含兩個賓語:the cutting of… and expecting to…。然則,the cutting為名詞,而expecting to為動名次,仍舊誇大其行動屬性及寄義,二者在寄義上不克不及平行。

  E. Blaming的邏輯主語請求是the company,選項以announcement做主語,故毛病;there to be羅嗦,應舍去;該選項屬於名詞選項,不如A動詞選項直接、精確。

  2、A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer’s Cane has been called one of the three best novels ever written by Black Americans—the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man.

  A. Black Americans—the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man

  B. Black Americans—including Native Son by Richard Wright and Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

  C. a Black American—including Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man

  D. a Black American—the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Mane.

  E. a Black American—the others being Richard Wright’s Native Son and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man


  句式:…, Book C… -- Book NS and Book Invisible Man…



  A. 破折號以前的主語是Cane這本書,背面平行的也須要對應是書而不是人,所今後面的平行毛病;

  B. Richard Wright's Native Son和Jean Toomer's Cane不敷對稱,不如E好;咱們的對稱情勢應當是"X's Y", not "Y by X";C包含兩本其他書,意思毛病;

  C. 破折號以前的主語是Cane這本書,背面平行的也須要對應是書而不是人,所今後面的平行毛病;C包含兩本其他書,意思毛病;

  D. 破折號以前的主語是Cane這本書,背面平行的也須要對應是書而不是人,所今後面的平行毛病;書先容異常對稱,每本書都有一個準確的作者;

  E. 準確;書先容異常對稱,每本書都有一個準確的作者;




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