
2016/05/23 瀏覽次數:5 收藏



  在新SAT寫作的瀏覽文本中,數據的援用常觸及一下幾點要素:author/creator (創立者/義務者)、title (題目)、publication year (宣布年份)、Reliable Sources(證據起源): authorities (威望機構)、publication(出書物)、academic researches(學術研討)、surveys(查詢拜訪)、polls (投票)等。

  下面咱們以“Foreign News at a Crisis Point”一文的前三段為例:

  Adapted from Peter S. Goodman, “Foreign News at a Crisis Point” ?2013 by ThehuffingtonPost.com, Inc. Originally published September 25, 2013. Peter Goodman is the executive business and global news editor at TheHuffingtonPost.com.

  Backin2003,AmericanJournalismReviewproducedacensusofforeign correspondentsthenemployedbynewspapersbasedintheUnitedStates,andfound 307full-timepeople.WhenAJRrepeatedtheexerciseinthesummerof2011,the counthaddroppedto234.Andeventhatnumberwassignificantlyinflatedbythe inclusionofcontractwriterswhohadreplacedfull-timestaffers.

  Intheinterveningeightyears,20Americannewsorganizationshadentirely eliminatedtheirforeignbureaus.

  ThesameAJRsurveyzeroedinonarepresentativesamplingofAmericanpapers fromacrossthecountryandfoundthatthespacedevotedtoforeignnewshadshrunk by53percentoverthepreviousquarter-century.

  在瀏覽完前三段,咱們會發明這三段應用了一個配合的evidence (證據情勢),即statistics (數據).

  The space devoted to foreign news had shrunk by 53 percent over the previous quarter-century.


  1) Goodman cites two surveyseight years apart that immediately highlightthe decline in the news media’s attention to foreign news.

  2)A further statistic highlightsthe number of news organizations that dispensed entirely with overseas staff.

  3)More figures showhow US newspapers have pared back the space devoted to foreign news by more than half.


  分論點:Goodman begins the article by citing a group of statistics bythe AJR reflecting the current status of foreign news coverage provided to the people in the United States.(劃線部門同窗們可以作為句型去舉行仿寫,下同。)


  辨認+內容 (指明詳細數字、援用威望數據、出現究竟根據): He reveals to the readers that only 234 full time reporters, including inflation, are employed for the foreign news coverage, 20 news organizations no longer have a foreign news department started in the past eight years, and that more than half of the news publications in the U.S. reduced foreign news coverage in the past fifteen years.


  By citing the group of shocking statistics,Goodman uses the most direct way to evoke the readers to realizethe significance of the rapidly declining professional foreign news coverage, that is, the general public is receiving insufficient international news from legitimate sources. This is a strong and effective way to build the foundation for his argument.

  到這裏,一個完全的數據剖析段落就完成為了。數據是一種主要的evidence, 也是一種奇妙的寫作手段。應用得好,特別是用對處所可以充足施展數據在支持論點和增長支持強度等方面的感化。咱們在舉行新SAT寫作的時刻,假如發明給出的瀏覽文本中有應用數據,可以在辨認的基本上展示數據的內容而且剖析作者為何應用數據?如許做帶來的後果是甚麽?(論述作者的概念,增長論證的強度,使之言之有據,言之有理, 終極到達感性熟悉的理性升華)。



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