聯合新SAT OG和第一次新sat測驗的情形,咱們試下剖析個中的變更和重點。個中,視角剖析類標題(analyzing point of view)作為持續了老SAT的題型之一,也有少量變更。本篇文章從college board的出題用意動身,聯合例題,願望可以或許對童鞋們的備考和題型的接洽供給思緒。
起首咱們存眷一下新SAT官方指南對analyzing point of view題目標說明『understanding the point of view or perspective from which passages are told and how that point of view or perspective affects the content and style of the passage』.以是視角剖析標題一方面請求咱們懂得文章陳說的視角,另外一方面,也請求咱們懂得如許的視角會對文章內容和範例有如何的影響。文章的陳說的視角,實在也便是從分歧的態度、分歧的人物身份動身,對陳說內容的懂得方法。好比,一樣的故事以第一人稱和第三人稱寫出來,後果截然不容。第一人稱大概有更多情感和內心的描述,而第三人稱大概有更多的行動和景象描述。別的,在測驗中,所謂『point of view』還具備更多的寄義,個中大概還會帶有文章中分歧態度分歧立場的人物的視角。是以,視角剖析文章不單單在小說等文學類文章中湧現,OG更是明白告知咱們,在論說文中也大概湧現。
別的,視角剖析類文章的標記辭匯便是『perspective』『point of view』和『stance』。謎底中也會觸及到從分歧態度動身對特定的概念和表達的意見。接下來咱們聯合例題舉行懂得(文章和標題出自OG chapter12)。
The stance Jordan takes in the passage is best described as that of:
A) an idealist setting forth principles.
B) an advocate seeking a compromise position
C) an observer striving for neutrality
D) a scholar researching a historical controversy
The passage is adapted from a speech delivered by congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas.........In the passage, Jordan discusses how and when a United States presidents may be impeached, or charged with serious defenses while in office. The speech was delivered in the context of impeachment hearings against the President Richard M. Nixon.
(lines 1-6)
Today, I am an inquisitor......My faith in the constitution is whole; it is complete, it is total. And I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction, of the Constitution.
(lines 17-20)
.......The powers relating to impeachment are an essential check in the hands of body of the legislature against and upon the encroachments of the executive.
標題問Jordan在文章中的態度是甚麽。是以咱們必需從文本中找到Jordan這小我物的立場和概念。從正文前先容可以看到,本文是Jordan的一個演講稿的節選該演講是『in the context of impeachment hearings against the President Richard M. Nixon』,也便是對尼克松總統彈劾的聽證會時代。對付演講,平日演講者的掛點和視角都在開首部門給出。咱們在開首段(lines1-7)可以找到Jordan稱本身為『inquisitor』,即審查官,而且她的『faith in the constitution is whole; it is complete, it is total』。以是她所表達的立場毫不是B選項中的『compromise』讓步,C選項中的『neutrality』中立,大概D選項中的研討者同樣去研討。A選項『an idealist setting forth principles』,即提出這些原則的幻想主義者,更相符文本。這一點可以從後文(lines 17-20)她對power of impeachment(彈劾的權力)的意見可以看出。以是謎底選A。
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