
2016/07/06 瀏覽次數:2 收藏


  be good at sth. 善於做某事

  be absent from 缺席

  be annoyed at 對……憤怒

  be in charge of 賣力

  be available to sb. 可被或人應用或獲得

  at one’s expense 由或人付出用度

  be concerned about 對……擔憂

  attribute … to… 把……歸因於……

  be likely to do sth. 極有大概做某事

  be sick of 討厭

  consist of 包括

  manage to do 想法做某事

  it is crucial to do 做某事很癥結

  warn sb. of sth. 警示或人

  free sb. from 使或人從……中解放出來

  with respect to 在……方面

  be inclined to 偏向於

  have claim on 對……具有全部權

  in total 總數

  justify doing 證實……公道

  be used to 被用作

  adapt to 順應

  contribute to 進獻

  have access to 可以應用

  be less inclined to 不太樂意

  be blamed for sth. 應答某事賣力任

  apply for 申請

  be harmful to 對……有害

  be similar to 與……類似

  depend on 依附

  be subjected to 擔當

  sell out 賣光,賣完

  give priority to 優先

  be decorated with 用…潤飾

  fall down 跌倒,摔倒

  pick up 取,拿某物

  get married with sb. 和或人娶親

  talk to someone 與或人發言

  find out 找出來

  beyond one’s expectation 超越或人的預期

  be honor of 做……覺得幸運

  carry out 履行,實施

  fill up 彌補,裝滿

  now and then 偶然,偶然

  for a long time 一段時光

  fall asleep 入眠,睡著

  enjoy doing sth. 愛好做某事

  regard…as 把……看做

  pay attention to 留意,看重

  play a(an)…role in 飾演……腳色

  be aware of 意想到

  be assigned to 被分派給…..;歸屬於

  adjust to 調理,調劑以順應

  be essential to 對……必弗成少

  be likely to 偏向於,頗有大概

  seize opportunity 捉住機遇

  adapt to 順應

  run out 用完,耗盡

  make for 有助於...

  have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有艱苦

  tidy up 整理,整頓

  as soon as possible 盡快

  hold a party 舉行晚會

  go through 閱歷

  ask sb. to do 請求或人做某事

  allow sb. to do 許可或人做某事

  get along with 和…相處

  in advance 提早

  pocket money 零費錢

  go down 降低

  save up 儲備,儲存

  go up 上升

  pay for 補償,為…付錢

  at the right time 在恰當的時光

  stick to 保持,粘住

  part-time job 兼職

  go back to 歸去,返回,追溯到

  baby-sitter 保母

  cope with 應答

  as well as 也,和… 同樣

  focus on 會合於

  rely on 依附

  from time to time 時時的,經常

  make use of 應用,應用

  due to 歸因於,因為

  be full of 充斥,裝滿

  be indifferent to 對…冷淡,縮手旁觀

  in face of 面臨…,掉臂…

  take action 采用行為

  see a doctor 就醫,看大夫

  agree with 贊成

  had better do 最佳做某事

  build up 增長,增強

  fix up 補綴,辦理

  at ease 安適,無拘無束

  continue to do 持續做某事

  be tired of 膩煩

  get rid of 解脫,去除

  be covered with 被…蓋滿,充斥著…

  be busy doing sth. 忙於做某事

  in the middle of 在…中央,正在做某事

  accompany sb. 陪同或人

  hand in 提交,呈送

  think of 記起,想起

  have to do 不能不做某事

  a waste of time 糟蹋時光

  chat with sb. 和或人談天

  at least 最少

  compare with 與…比擬較

  vary from 分歧

  look after 照料

  inherit from 從…繼續;從…獲得

  be mean with sth. 在某方面小氣

  a big fortune 一大筆錢

  carry on 持續,介入

  fail to do sth. 未能做某事

  take care of 照料

  encourage sb. to do 勉勵或人做某事

  the same as 和…同樣

  wear out 耗盡,磨損

  be ready to do 預備好做某事

  be used to doing sth. 習氣於做某事

  be equal to 相稱,適合

  be familiar with 和…熟習

  believe in 信任

  take charge 賣力,主持

  at hand 在手邊,行將到來

  resort to 依附,乞助於

  concentrate on 會合精神於…;聚精會神於…

  face with 面臨,面對

  start a business of one’s own 或人自立創業

  be too particular about 對……很抉剔

  keep one’s promise 遵照許諾

  spend one’s time doing 或人消費時光在某事上

  inform sb. of sth. 關照或人某事

  be responsible for 對某事承當義務

  have a good appetite 胃口好

  instead of 取代;而不是

  be trained as 被練習成

  be stuck in a traffic jam 遭受堵車

  be qualified for 可以勝任

  put off 推延

  be out of stock 暢銷了

  be arrested for doing sth. 由於犯……罪而被拘捕

  take revenge on 向或人復仇

  be divided into 被分成

  play an active role in 在……方面起到踴躍感化

  devote oneself to something/doing sth 致力於;投身於

  aim at 對準;目標在於

  in addition 別的

  by contrast 與……相反的是

  general public "大眾,"

  free market 自由市場

  military spending 軍費開支

  be crazy about sth. 對某事癡迷

  view… as … 把……看做

  not simply… but also… 不但……並且……

  step away from 分開

  be split on 看法有不合

  hold sway over 對……有影響力,掌握

  be able to do sth. 有才能做某事

  make a living by 經由過程……營生

  be prepared for 為……做預備

  be passionate about 對……充斥熱忱

  have no choice but to do 沒有其他選取而不能不做某事

  prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻攔或人做某事

  be saddled with 背負

  student loan 助學貸款

  credit history 信譽記載

  safe bet 穩贏

  knock back 喝下

  to a large extent 在很大水平上

  hold true 對……實用

  in the right way 恰當的,有用的

  take picture 拍攝照片

  be fond of 喜好,愛好

  prepare for 預備

  make an appointment 約會,預約

  fill in 添補,填寫

  on the phone 通手機

  take on 承當

  depend on 依附

  a majority of 大多半的,大部門的

  all of a sudden 忽然

  mix…with 和…混雜

  blame for 責怪

  based on 依據,根據

  be able to do 有才能做某事

  lead to 致使

  give up 廢棄

  get out of 防止,解脫

  go bankrupt 停業

  compete with 與…競爭

  tend to 有…偏向,趨勢

  have faith in 對…的信賴,有信念

  put up 舉起

  in a hurry 急忙,連忙

  there is no need for 不須要

  have…in common 有配合的地方

  be fed up with 覺得膩煩

  be eager to 盼望要做….,希望

  set up 樹立

  be obliged to 不能不,被迫做

  evolve into 成長成,進化成

  realize one’s dream 實現或人的妄想

  tide over 戰勝,渡過

  be reluctant to 不寧願…

  cut down 減少,砍到

  aim to 目的在於…

  in harmony with 與… 調和,與 ….同等

  charge for 索價,要價,

  in the long run 久遠

  contribute to 有助於

  be influenced by 受…的影響

  tear apart 使… 決裂,把…弄亂

  give a talk 作申報,做演講

  attend the presentation 出席會晤會

  because of 因為

  make plan 制訂籌劃

  take over 接收,吸收

  move into 移入,遷入

  at least 最少

  belong to 屬於

  as if 似乎

  take out 掏出,拿出

  call for 須要

  by nature 生成的

  be beneficial to 對…有利

  have effect on 對…有影響

  a ray of hope 一線願望

  take advantage of 應用…的上風

  in time 實時

  be about to 行將,正盤算

  tie up 綁好,包紮

  take place 產生,舉辦

  make use of 應用,應用

  be supposed to 應當

  participate in 加入

  turn to 轉向,釀成

  take responsibility 承當義務

  in front of 在…前面

  figure out 辦理,算出

  in a group 成群結對地

  think highly of 高度評價

  look down upon 看不起

  put on 穿上,上演

  care about 擔憂,關懷

  in general 總之,一樣平常而言

  year after year 年復一年的

  for the sake of 為了…

  involve in 介入,觸及

  drop out of school 退學

  give rise to 產生,引發

  have impact on 有…影響

  try to do sth. 試下做某事

  be fussy about 抉剔的

  in the canteen 在食堂

  leave an impression 留下印象

  be made from 由…制作

  look for 探求

  a good bargain 廉價貨

  on the menu 在菜單上

  in debt 欠債

  give way to 給…讓路

  account for 占..的比例

  lack of 沒有,缺少

  create job opportunity 發明事情機遇

  break down 分化,崩潰

  be engaged in doing sth. 忙於做某事

  bring about 引發,致使

  pull together 把…拉在一路;同心合力

  conform to 相符,遵守

  be upset by 因…而朝氣

  remove…from 撤除,移除

  be dissatisfied with 對…不滿足

  be looking forward to 盼望做某事

  be worried about 擔憂;擔心

  traffic jam 交通壅塞

  move out of 搬出

  it takes time to do sth. 消費時光做某事

  learn to do sth. 學做某事

  go camping 去野營

  prefer…to… 加倍愛好

  stay up late 熬夜,睡得很晚

  calm down 鎮靜下來,鎮靜下來

  force sb. to do sth. 強制或人做某事

  be tailored to 定制

  split up 離開

  a great deal of 大批,很多

  in different ways 以分歧的方法,分歧的辦法

  avoid doing sth. 防止做某事

  make effort to do sth. 盡力做某事

  be careless about 不介懷

  be ashamed of 為…覺得羞辱

  be irritated at 因…而朝氣

  make preparations for 為…做預備

  make a fuss 大驚小怪,小題鴻文

  be popular with 受…的迎接

  by the sea 在海邊

  come up 想出,提出

  in vain 徒勞;無效

  point of view 概念,態度

  by oneself 零丁的,獨自的

  be neglected by 被疏忽

  follow the trend 追隨時尚

  use up 用完;耗盡

  attract the attention 吸引留意力

  be surrounded by 被…包抄

  fall out 辯論,反面

  global warming 環球變暖

  in terms of 就…而言

  be vulnerable to 易受…的損害


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  名師培優課 2016申請訂制課程
