
2015/06/16 瀏覽次數:5 收藏



  原文:Environmental protection has more and more gotten the attention of the countries around the world, and the best way of environmental protection has become the focus of the debate。

  修正:Environmental protection has drawn increasing attention of the countries around the world, and people have been debating about the best way to protect the environment。


  (1)“遭到愈來愈多的存眷”原文用has more and more gotten the attention,是典範的中文直譯,不相符英文的行文習氣,應改為has drawn increasing attention。

  (2)has become the focus of the debate即“成為評論辯論的核心”,但更隧道的英文表達可以工資主語,如:...people have been debating about the best way to protect the environment。


  原文:Gradually improved public awareness of environmental protection and insufficient environmental protection measures have been very difficult to reverse the trend of ecological and environmental degradation。

  修正:Although more people have become aware of environmental problems and have taken measures to protect the environment, the trend of ecological and environmental degradation is hard to be reversed。

  剖析:原句英文脫胎於中詞句式“……的辦法很難逆轉生態情況惡化的趨向”,但直譯出來的英文倒是典範的Chinglish。修正版本調劑了整句話的句式,把本來太長的主語釀成了狀語從句,並用the trend做主句的主語,讓句式更均衡,表達更歐化。
