
2015/04/14 瀏覽次數:15 收藏


  Current feminist theory, in validating women's own stories of their experience, has encouraged scholars of women's history to view the use of women's oral narratives as the methodology, next to the use of women's written autobiography, that brings historians closest to the "reality" of women's lives. Such narratives, unlike most standard histories, represent experience from the perspective of women, affirm the importance of women's contributions, and furnish present-day women with historical continuity that is essential to their identity, individually and collectively.

  Scholars of women's history should, however, be as cautious about accepting oral narratives at face value as they already are about written memories. Oral narratives are no more likely than are written narratives to provide a disinterested commentary on events or people. Moreover, the stories people tell to explain themselves are shaped by narrative devices and storytelling conventions, as well as by other cultural and historical factors, in ways that the storytellers may be unaware of. The political rhetoric of a particular era, for example, may influence women's interpretations of the significance of their experience. Thus a woman who views the Second World War as pivotal in increasing the social acceptance of women's paid work outside the home may reach that conclusion partly and unwittingly because of wartime rhetoric encouraging a positive view of women's participation in such work.



  Question #37. 218-01 (22979-!-item-!-188;#058&000218-01)

  The passage is primarily concerned with

  (A) contrasting the benefits of one methodology with the benefits of another

  (B) describing the historical origins and inherent drawbacks of a particular methodology

  (C) discussing the appeal of a particular methodology and some concerns about its use

  (D) showing that some historians' adoption of a particular methodology has led to criticism of recent historical scholarship

  (E) analyzing the influence of current feminist views on women's interpretations of their experience


  A 比較了一個辦法和另一個辦法的利益,兩種辦法的利益舉行比較原文沒有觸及,殺

  B 描寫了一個汗青來源和這個辦法自有的一些缺陷。似乎後辦部門原文觸及到過,先留著

  C 評論辯論了一個辦法的利益而且對它的應用表現關心。也沾點,留著

  D 一些汗青學家采取必定的辦法致使一些人的批駁,沒提過甚麽人會提出批駁,殺



  Question #38. 218-05 (23025-!-item-!-188;#058&000218-05)

  According to the passage, scholars of women's history should refrain from doing which of the following?

  (A) Relying on traditional historical sources when women's oral narratives are unavailable

  (B) Focusing on the influence of political rhetoric on women's perceptions to the exclusion of other equally important factors

  (C) Attempting to discover the cultural and historical factors that influence the stories women tell

  (D) Assuming that the conventions of women's written autobiographies are similar to the conventions of women's oral narratives

  Accepting women's oral narratives less critically than they accept women's written histories

  問 scholars of women's history應當不幹甚麽,文章發起這些汗青學家用這些白話的器械應當謹嚴,咱們看看E,說less critically地接收白話的器械,不是反了嗎,選這個。假如這個題幹沒有意想到refrain這個辭匯,有大概上來就會把E去掉!

  Question #39. 218-07 (23071-!-item-!-188;#058&000218-07)

  According to the passage, each of the following is a difference between women's oral narratives and most standard histories EXCEPT:

  (A) Women's oral histories validate the significance of women's achievements.

  (B) Women's oral histories depict experience from the point of view of women.

  (C) Women's oral histories acknowledge the influence of well-known women.

  (D) Women's oral histories present today's women with a sense of their historical relationship to women of the past.

  Women's oral histories are crucial to the collective identity of today's women.

  問如下誰人不是白話和尺度汗青的差別,依據脈絡這個差別應當是文章第一段的後辦部門表現出來的,咱們來看看 Such narratives, unlike most standard histories, represent experience from the perspective of women(對應B), affirm the importance of women's contributions(對應A), and furnish present-day women with historical continuity that is essential to their identity(對應E), individually and collectively.還剩下C和D這兩個選項原文似乎都沒有讀到過。C說認可著名的女人帶來的影響 D說白話的器械還說甚麽和汗青女性的幹系,D說得更歸納綜合,越歸納綜合的選項原文越有大概提到,選C。至於D在甚麽處所表現出來的,說得都像佛了,這類選向很難對應原文一句話,而是把一些句子舉行歸納綜合總結構成的選項,直接找到對英語才能請求教高,免了吧!放下!佛家三大苦,想不開,放不下,忘不了。GMAT請求我歷來沒想過,何談想不開,我歷來就沒在意過甚麽,何談放不下,忘不了,我歷來就沒記著過甚麽,何談忘不了!

