
2011/05/02 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

【澳洲留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/australia/) - 澳洲留學出國簽證】簽證指南:澳洲留門生2年進修時光請求的龐大變更!!
從2007年10月22日開端, 澳洲留學生申請移民的2年/104周的進修時光請求調劑為92周便可相符請求。

To demonstrate that you have studied for at least two academic years, you must show that you have.completed the equivalent of two years study at 100% of a full-time load. If you are given credit from prior learning it will reduce the amount of study you have.completed.

The department will use CRICOS to determine whether a course meets the two year requirement. From 22 October 2007 a course that has a registered duration of 92 weeks will be accepted as a course equating to two academic years of study.


abroad.hopetrip.com.hk 簽證小知識:
投親簽證:加拿大拜訪簽證(Vistor Visa)中最為常見的一種。拜訪簽證是由加拿大當局簽發給那些短時間進入加拿大人士的簽證。
