
2014/08/02 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

【英國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/uk/) - 英國留學移民政策】英國移民局托福請求

  近段時光,“英國叫停ETS主理的測驗一事鬧得滿城風雨,在英全部的ETS測驗(包含托福、托業、GRE等)已被叫停”等新聞成為眾人存眷的話題。那末關於此事的究竟畢竟若何呢?接下來是出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )小編為眾人整頓的相幹信息!


  4月17日,收到移民局發來的通知布告郵件關照最新關於針對英國移民局承認的說話測驗中間- (美國教導測驗辦事中間)ETS的查詢拜訪希望,明白指出將再也不與前述機構續約,再也不認可ETS旗下的兩大英語測驗-“托福”及“托業”說話成就。



  ETS:Education Test Services美國教導測驗辦事中間

  SELT:Secure English Language Tests平安英語測試

  TOEFL:Test of English as a Foreign Language托福測驗

  TOEIC:Test of English for International Communication托業測驗



  本日- 2014年4月17日,英海內政部的官方內部通知布告體系發出了對2月10日暗訪事宜的查詢拜訪進度,郵件內容以下:

  Dear Peng,

  I am writing to update you about the actions we are taking as our investigation into ETS Secure English Language tests (SELT) taken in the UK progresses and the impacts that this may have on you and your students。

  Our licence agreement with ETS, in UK and overseas, ended on 5 April 2014 and will not be extended。

  We have suspended accepting ETS tests as evidence of English language ability. Applicants wishing to make an application should take a test with an alternative provider from the list。

  We will write to you again with full details of how we will work through applications that are currently suspended。

  I am sure you understand that we treat any threat to immigration control with the utmost seriousness and as such, cannot allow any cases where fraudulent evidence may have been obtained to be processed until we have absolute certainty that they are genuine。

  If you wish to withdraw your sponsorship of an applicant, you must do so via the Sponsorship Management System (SMS). The application will then be refused。

  Further information is available athttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-applying-for-uk-visa-approved-english-language-tests。

  Christine Douglas

  National Lead for Temporary Migration


  1:正式確認(HOME OFFICE)英國移民局/內政部與ETS(美國教導測驗辦事中間)之間的考點授權條約從2014年4月6日開端停止(再也不續約)。本應當4月6日就確認的情形然則停止到17號頒布,是不是由於會談沒有殺青同等,大概說ETS(美國教導測驗辦事中間)的盡力末了沒有得到勝利?不得而知。








  ETS: Update on TOEFL® Testing in the U.K。

  Following the broadcast of a BBC Panorama program in February 2014 which highlighted an organized criminal element seeking to circumvent the U.K.’s visa-granting process, ETS has made the decision not to extend our Secure English-language Testing (SELT) license with the Home Office. As a result, TOEIC® and TOEFL iBT® testing will no longer be offered for U.K. visa-granting purposes。

  We appreciate the Home Office's recognition that while the TOEFL and TOEIC tests shared a SELT license, the fraud uncovered by the BBC program was limited to TOEIC testing. Security measures around the TOEFL test were never under question. The TOEFL test remains the most widely respected English-language test in the world recognized by more than 9,000 institutions in more than 130 countries。

  Security is and always has been a top priority; however, we’ve made this decision in response to the security challenges portrayed in the BBC program. We acknowledge that we fell short of our own high standards and sincerely regret the dishonest activities of third party contractors in the U.K. whose job it was to administer the TOEIC tests honestly and fairly. When applied properly, our global security protocols prevent and detect incidents of fraud. Going forward we will continue to implement additional, stricter, best-in-class security measures for our tests, including biometric voice analyses, to ensure our test scores remain the most trustworthy in the world。

  Students seeking more information on test cancellation and refund policies related to U.K. visa testing should contact TOEFLServicesattoefl@ets.org。

  以上是出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )小編為眾人整頓,願望對列位有贊助!

