
2011/06/03 瀏覽次數:33 收藏

【美國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/usa/) - 美國留學衣食住行】在美國考駕照筆試溫習材料(含謎底)

  b 91. How can you see a car in your blind spot

  (a) by using both your side and rear view mirror.

  (b) by glancing over your shoulder.

  (c) by read justing the outside mirror.

  d 92. You should check your brakes, lights, and signals

  (a) only when required to do so.

  (b) about once a year.

  (c) about once every 8777 miles

  (d) each time you drive.

  c 93. You should check brakes, lights and signals

  (a) every 577 miles.

  (b) once a month.

  (c) each time you drive.

  c 94. When you see or hear an emergency vehicle with a flashing light, siren blowing or bell ringing, you should

  (a) maintain speed.

  (b) slow down.

  (c) pull over to the right.

  b 95. If you strike an unattended vehicle, you are required to

  (a) stay at the scene.

  (b) leave your name, address, and registration number, and notify the police.

  (c) leave your driver's license on the damaged car and call your insurance.company.

  (d) not move your vehicle until the accident is investigated.

  c 96. A person whose driver license is refused, suspended, revoked or cancelled shall

  (a) drive only in an emergency.

  (b) only drive during the day.

  (c) not drive under any condition.

  (d) drive when there is a licensed driver with him.

  b 97. Driving in violation of any restrictions on your license is

  (a) the same as driving without a license.

  (b) more serious than driving without a license.

  (c) less serious than driving without a license.

  (d) permitted in unusual cases.

  c 98. What cards must you have with you when operating a motor vehicle?

  (a) registration card

  (b) driver's license

  (c) registration card and driver's license

  b 99. If your vehicle goes into a skid, you should

  (a) steer in the opposite direction that your rear is skidding.

  (b) steer in the direction that your rear is skidding.

  (c) jam on your brake.

  c 100. The best way to bring your car out of a skid is to

  (a) turn steering wheel first right, when left.

  (b) put brakes on quickly and hard.

  (c) turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.

  (d) increase speed.

  c 101. Generally, the safest drivers are those drivers who

  (a) are good auto mechanics.

  (b) have no physical defects.

  (c) are always alert and obey the traffic laws.

  (d) drive slowly at all times.

  b 102. Most traffic accidents are the result of

  (a) mechanical defects in automobiles.

  (b) errors in driver's judgement.

  (c) defects in the road.

  (d) bad weather contitions.
