
2014/09/11 瀏覽次數:13 收藏

【澳洲留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/australia/) - 澳洲留學衣食住行】澳洲留學墨爾本“行人違規”新劃定

  從9月起,墨爾本CBD將有警員對亂穿馬路和過馬路時玩電話的人舉行“釘梢”,這也是“Don't Do Your Dash”籌劃的一部門。 據Transport Accident Commission數據表現,本年到目為止,行人滅亡數目已激增了30%。

  警員將重要監視欠好好於馬路的人,特別是在紅綠燈和tram車站的行人。被抓到的不守交規的、大概欠好好走路的行人,將被處以74澳元的罰款。警探Mark Rose說:“咱們不願望有行人在過馬路的時刻由於一些沒必要要的小工作受傷大概滅亡。”


  1、穿越黃色和赤色路口交通燈 cross against an amber or red traffic light

  2、穿越黃色和赤色人行道交通燈 cross against an amber or red pedestrian light

  3、在斑馬線20米以內橫穿馬路 cross the road within 20 metres of a pedestrian crossing

  4、從電車下車後沒有穿越比來的路邊 fail to cross to the nearest edge of the road after getting off a tram

  5、不遵照警員的交通指導 fail to obey a traffic instruction from a police officer

  6、沒有采取比來最直接的辦法穿越馬路 fail to use the shortest or most direct route across a road

  7、從尚在挪動的車左右車 get out of from a moving vehicle

  8、沿著自行車道走路大概不給自行車道讓路 walk along or fail to give way when crossing a bicycle path

  9、不準確走路(好比面臨來車不靠邊走路) walk improperly on a road (by not keeping to the far side facing oncoming traffic when walking along a road where it is not practicable to use the footpath or nature strip)

  10、強行穿越道口 cross a level crossing when not permitted

  11、不遵照“”行人莫入標記 disobey a ‘no pedestrian’ sign.

  12、搶道駕駛員的行駛軌跡致使車禍 cause a traffic hazard by moving into the path of a driver

