留學美國 你該問的5個與資助政策相關的問題

2015/06/02 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

【美國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/usa/) - 美國留學獎學金】留學美國 你該問的5個與贊助政策相幹的題目

  出國留學頻道訊  很多門生在申請美國粹校的時刻很關懷黌舍獎學金與助學金的相幹信息,究竟拿到獎學金或助學金就能夠為家裏省去很大一筆用度。不外官網上的信息不是很周全,直接咨詢贊助參謀就能夠懂得到你想要的信息。那末咨詢的時刻你該問哪些題目?

留學美國 你該問的5個與資助政策相關的問題

When applying to U.S. colleges, it is critically important that international students understand the financial aid policies at different schools. The best way to get all of the information is by asking the financial aid counselors directly.

  Asking the following set of questions can help you get a clear sense of a school's financial aid situation – and whether or not it is somewhere you should consider applying to or attending.


  原文:Can international students qualify for financial aid?

  This information can usually be found in the school's website, yet it is subject to change. When I was applying, I knew several students who were applying to a certain liberal arts college hoping that they would get financial aid, but there was no information on its website at the time.

  However, while that college offered scholarships and need-based financial aid for U.S. citizens, it only awarded merit scholarships to qualified international students. To avoid this type of misunderstanding, it is critical that you check with your counselor about whether international students are considered for financial aid.​



  原文:Will you be able to meet my family's full financial need?

  Do not hesitate to ask this question. You do not want to waste time applying to the schools that cannot meet your need. If your family can only pay $15,000 per year, for example, your admissions chances might be in jeopardy.

  You may get an answer that the school will not be able to bridge the payment gap. That is OK, as you at least will know that the school is off your list.​ Asking a counselor can save you a lot of time when choosing colleges that can meet your financial needs.



  原文: What factors most influence my chance of getting financial aid?

  Some schools look for students with good performance on the SAT, a high GPA and participation in extracurriculars. In this case, you should work on bringing your scores up and be as active in clubs and activities as possible. Other schools may be looking for someone with some unique artistic talents.

  In that case, sending footage of you mastering the piano could be just as valuable as a high SAT score – but be attentive to your academic performance as well. Schools won't necessarily accept students who are failing courses, regardless of their musical talent.



  原文: How much is tuition expected to increase each year?

  Many colleges increase the amount of financial aid awarded every year to make sure that families pay the same amount as they did the first year. However, it is still crucial to know what increase in tuition to expect. If the change is considerably higher that what you and your family have expected, it will put a burden on your parents, who may be struggling to pay for your tuition.



  原文:Are international students charged the same tuition and fees as American students?

  At private colleges, international students generally pay the same fees as all other students. At public and state schools, international students generally pay what's known as out-of-state tuition, which can be a lot higher than the in-state tuition. But in a few cases, international students are given incentives and only pay the low in-state tuition.​

  With that being said, paying tuition can become a bit complex, and it is necessary that you ask your counselors to find out the amount that you need to pay.



  原文:These five questions will help you get a clear sense of how financial aid policies in U.S colleges could influence where you'll send your applications. However, they are not the only questions that you should ask. Be sure to bring up as many as you think of, because the more you understand how schools offer financial aid, the smoother your application process will be.

  Moreover, before asking your counselors any questions, make sure that you have done careful research about each school's financial aid policies. Don't ask officials questions when the answers can be found online in seconds.







