
2015/07/06 瀏覽次數:16 收藏


  LONDON— For the past week, the red carpet hasbeen rolled out across European cities forChinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit. Climatechange was high on the agenda – buteconomics and trade dominated.

  China has created a vehicle for joint investment – the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank orAIIB, with 50 founding members including Britain, France and Germany.

  Washington had urged its European allies against signing up.

  The bank has an initial capitalization of $100 billion.

  “That’s a lot of infrastructure to be developed in Asia in a part of the world that really needs it.So being on board from an early stage to help shape the direction in which it’s going, is I thinkreally key," Pantucci said.

  Analysts say China sees the AIIB as a way of countering what Beijing perceives as a unipolarworld dominated by the United States.

  Washington has voiced concern that the AIIB could be used to finance strategic aims ratherthan economic. The criteria for financing is likely to differ from the World Bank or IMF, Pantuccisaid.

  “In certain countries, maybe in parts of central Asia or south Asia which have difficulty indealing with some of the criteria laid out by the international banks, AIIB may be able to helpthere instead," he said.

  China signed a series of trade deals, including the purchase of 45 Europe-made Airbus planesworth $11 billion and the opening of an Airbus factory in China.

  Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama signed into law a bill allowing him to fast-tracknegotiations over trade deals.

  The United States is spearheading the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, which wouldencompass 40 percent of global trade. China is not part of the deal.

