
2015/08/24 瀏覽次數:11 收藏


  小我以為,論證辦法的類比(比方)最合乎邏輯,精神和應用適合,可以檢察色彩證實。這是一個有點像一個高中學到的多少題目,辦理的癥結是否是在論證的過程當中,但添加幫助線。只要找到一個適合的幫助線參數是很天然的工作。咱們要證實一個抽象的,龐雜的命題A - B時,咱們可以選取一個特定的形象,其實不須要證實 - D作為幫助線,然後把本來龐雜的視 - B評論辯論論證的過程當中,代替AB和CD之間的類似性。應該指出,所謂的特定的圖象,而且不須要證實的CD現實上指的究竟或知識。是以,樹立和比方艱苦,選取適合的CD。


  The Negro has callus growingon his souland it's getting harder and harder tohurt him there. That's simplelaw of nature.Like a calluson the footin a shoethat's too tight. The footis nature's and that shoewas put onby man. Thetight shoe will pinch yourfoot and make you hollerand scream. But sooner orlater, if you don't take the shoeoff, a callus will form on thefoot and begin to wearout the shoe。

  It's the same with theNegro in America. That shoe-the white man'ssystem-has pinched and rubbedand squeezed his soul untilit almost destroyed him. But it didn't.And now acallus has formed on hissoul, and unless that system is adjustedto fit him,too, that callusis going to wear outthat system。

  很明顯在這段筆墨中,作者想證實的是全文第二段的末了一句話:And now a callus has formedon his soul,and unless that systemis adjusted to fit him,too, that callusis going to wear outthat system。(如今黑人的魂魄中已發生了老趼,除非白人的統治系統能調劑以合適他們,不然老趼將使這個別系風聲鶴唳。)簡而言之,便是黑人終將打破白人統治。


  如今咱們看筆墨。作者異常奇妙的CD,即腳(天然) - 鞋(被人)的幹系。小鞋,腳穿戴會疼,假如不實時采用封閉或調劑,將不能不在腳上的老趼。假如鞋子持續對腳被拘留,厥後有一天,腳上的鞋穿了。這是一個很通俗的來由,也不須要花時光去證實,在括號中AB和CD之間的類似性很輕易證實這個龐雜的命題,這是模仿的魅力。