
2015/08/26 瀏覽次數:6 收藏


  1. 下界說法


  例:Archaeologyis partly the discovery of the treasures of the past, partly the careful workof the scientific analyst, partly the exercise of the creative imagination.(“The Nature And Aims of Archaeology”) 從“is”這個詞不難發明背面的部門都是為archaeology下界說:對曩昔財物的挖掘,過細的科學剖析,發明力的想象------考古學(以-ology為後綴都是表現某門學科)。

  例:Theseasonal impact of day length on physiological responses is calledphotoperiodism. (“The effects of light on plant and animal species”) “is called”的前半句也起了說明解釋的感化:日長的心理反響稱為光周期的季候性影響。

  2. 標記法

  不管是測驗中照樣劍橋系列,咱們常發明某個單詞或詞組,甚至句子的先後常會湧現一些特別標記,好比:破折號(—),冒號(:),小括號(),引號(“ ”)。這些標記都是贊助眾人預測生詞的clue, 它們的先後平日都是對托福瀏覽辭匯的說明和解釋。

  例:Generally,the rates have been modest (lower than bank rates). ( “Micro-Enterprise Creditfor Street Youth”) 括號裏的部門是對其前面的modest做解釋,即比銀行的利錢低一些。

  例:Inall cases, someone has to act as a source of language data--- informant.Informant指的是充任說話材料起源的人。須要提醒的是,常常會在小括號裏湧現i.e, 意思是thatis to say.

  3. 舉例子

  托福瀏覽試題常常會在某個潛伏生詞的背面,舉出一系列的例子,此時,眾人可以依據例子,總結它們的共性。舉例子的一些標記詞:forexample, for instance, such as, just like, e.g.

  例:Themarket for tourism in remote areas is booming as never before. Countries allacross… such as mountains, Arctic lands, deserts, small islands andwetlands (“The Impact of Wilderness Tourism”) 第一句的remote可以通事後面的例子,高山,北極地域,荒野,小島,濕地,得出指的是偏僻地域。

  4. 句子之間的聯系關系詞


  並列幹系:and, similarly,equally, also, both … and…

  遷移轉變幹系:but, however,yet, instead, nevertheless, by contrast, on the other hand

  例:Internationalcommerce was therefore dominated by raw materials, such as wheat, wood and ironore, or processed commodities, such as meat and steel. (“Delivering The Goods”)“or”表現大概,固然是並列幹系,但在乎思上是相反的。Processedcommodities不難懂得是加工過的產物,那“or”前面的句子指的就該是沒有加工過的產物,即raw materials, 原資料。

  例:Forexample, desert annual germinate, flower, and seed whenever suitable rainfalloccurs… (“The effects of light on plant and animal species”) 從“and”可以斷定其先後三個詞的詞性雷同,意思上也應當是統一個偏向。flower表現著花,seed是結種,那germinate天然也是動詞,是在著花以前的階段,可大略懂得為發展或抽芽。

  5. 知識和左右文


  例:Theearliest method of making fire was through friction. European peasants wouldinsert a wooden drill in a round hole and rotate it briskly between theirpalms. (“How Fire Leapt to Life”) 最先的取火方法是鉆木取火,其道理是磨擦生熱。經由過程下文的例子也可看出這一點。歐洲的農人會把一個木制的鉆頭插入一個圓形的洞,然後在手掌間敏捷的扭轉它。Friction便是磨擦的意思。

  6. 同位語


  例:Oneof the most important new methodologies is biomechanics, the study of the body in motion. (“How much higher?How much faster?”) 有時刻同位語的說明更讓人輕易懂得和接收,biomechanics專業說法是生物力學,而同位語的表達更平易近民:對身材活動的研討。
