托福語法:關於more than的用法

2015/08/31 瀏覽次數:3 收藏

  “more than”是考生在托福備登科不克不及疏忽的一個語法,該語法常識固然簡略,然則考生假如能學會靈巧的應用,不管是在作文照樣白話測驗中,都邑為考生帶來意想不到的成果,下面就給考生具體先容下托福語法中關於more than的用法,供考生參考。

  第一, "More than+名詞"表現“多於……”、“不但……特別是”如:

  1. Modern science is more than a large amount of information.

  2. Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.

  第二, "More than+數詞"含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:

  3. I have known David for more than 20 years.

  4. Let‘s carry out the test with more than the sample copy.

  第三, "More than+形容詞"即是“很”或“異常”的意思,如:

  5. In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments.

  6. I assure you I am more than glad to help you.

  第四, 在"More……than……"中,確定“more”背面的而否認“than”背面的,約即是“是……而不是……”如:

  7. The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real.

  8. This book seems to be more a manual than a text.

  9. Catherine is more diligent than intelli-gent.

  10. Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened.

  第五,"More than"或"More……than……"+含“can”的分句時表現“否認意”,如:

  11. That‘s more than I can do.

  12. Don‘t bite off more than you can chew.

  13. In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more things than the students can understand.

  第六, "No more……than……"表現“不……;不如……”,如:

  14. I can no more do that than anyone else.

  15. A learner can no more obtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing.“

  "No more………than……"的語義,也可用"not any more than……"來代替,是以15可以釀成16.

  16. "A learner cannot…… any more than ……"一樣的, 17可以釀成18:

  17. Dr Hu is no more a poet than Dr Wu is a philosopher.

  18. Dr Hu is not a poet any more than Dr Wu is a philosopher.

  別的,"more than"也在一些習用語中湧現,如:

  19. More offen than not (常常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take rather than what they can give.

  20. All of us are more than a little concerned about(異常關懷)the current economic problems.

  總之,"more than"看似簡略,實在頗有內在,味道雋永。

  以上內容給考生具體先容了托福語法中關於more than的用法,願望對考生有贊助,更多托福測驗出色內容盡在留學托福頻道,敬請考生連續存眷。考生在備考過程當中有任何疑難都可與咱們的在線先生舉行咨詢,咱們有專業的先生為考生解答。