
2015/09/07 瀏覽次數:9 收藏


  1. 白話化說話或鄙諺



  【例1】theenvironmental problem is prettyserious today.

  修正:the environmental problem is extremely serious today.

  【例2】Shouldhe study hard, the final exam is to become apiece of cake.

  修正:Shouldhe study hard, the final exam is not to become a problem.

  【例3】 Sincedemocracy has been acknowledged by the world, it is sort of strange to see some politicians lean on the authority.

  修正:Sincedemocracy has been acknowledged by the world, it is a little strange to seesome politicians threaten the authority.

  2. 行話


  【例4】 Thenew generation is believed to commencetheir age by ameliorating the livingconditions in economically deprivedareas.

  修正: Thenew generation is believed to start/create their age by improving/changing theliving conditions in poor/less-developed areas.

  【例5】 It ishard to believe that students perusingbooks all the time without thinking critically can actually carry out viable life goals.

  修正: It ishard to believe that students reading books all the time without thinking criticallycan actually arrange his life properly.

  【例6】 When they night came, they went out for a perambulation, but soon enough, they shrank back in discomfort, surmisingthat an unidentified object tried to murder them.

  修正: Whenthey night came, they went out for a walk, but soon enough, they returned in discomfort, dreading somebody in thedark who tried to kill them.

  3. 過於“華美”或“虛張聲勢”的詞華

  這通常為程度較高的門生為了獲得25分以上的分數,想發明一些本性化說話時所犯的毛病。如許的情形在教授教養過程當中見到的不在少數。有些說話讀來讓筆者看到面前一亮,但更多的情形是不只沒有給筆者留下深入的印象,反而使筆者覺得脆而不堅。有些乃至是艱澀難明的,讀來使人異常費勁。盜用一句名言便是“a misconception frequently held bynovice writers is that word choice mirrors thought: the more impenetrable theword, the more involved the ideas.” 如下也舉幾個例子:

  【例7】 Unfortunately,the TV station in some countries does not have an appropriate classification ofadult entertainment, so children mayhave access to those unhealthy programs.

  修正: Unfortunately, the TV station in somecountries does not have an appropriate classification of pornography, sochildren may have access to those unhealthy programs.

  【例8】 One feasiblesolution is that the industry should be stopped and those who have more thanenough cars should sell their preownedautomobiles.

  修正: One feasible solution is that theindustry should be stopped and those who have more than enough cars should selltheir used cars.

  【例9】 I do believethat no country would refuse such revenueenhancers.

  修正: I do believe that no country wouldrefuse such taxes.
