
2015/09/23 瀏覽次數:10 收藏




  1. n. adj.短語,如the jobs available to women

  2. n. 介詞短語,如a child with reading problem

  3. adv. v.-ed n.,如seemingly limited number

  4. n. v.-ed短語大概-ing短語

  5. n. of sth



  ____in the desert is mainly due to the limited supply of desert water.

  (A) Plants are widely spaced

  (B) The spacing of plants is wide

  (C) Plants to be spaced widely

  (D) The wide spacing of plants

  起首剖析句子構造。該句的骨幹是:is due to the limited supply.這裏,句子缺主語。以是,空格中應當填入名詞大概名詞詞組。選項A和B都是完全的主謂構造,而非名詞或名詞詞組。依據due to的用法,咱們又能消除C,以是準確謎底是D.


  Most leaves are coated with a waterproof _____, or cuticle.

  (A) that the covering

  (B) and is covering

  (C) covering

  (D) by covering

  這已是一個簡略的句子構造,即主謂完全。假如你熟悉waterproof這個詞,你就曉得空格裏應當填入名詞。由於waterproof是形容詞,它只能潤飾名詞大概動名詞。(這裏的waterproof不克不及表現種別做名詞,由於前面的冠詞是a而不是the)你也能夠依據平行構造,由or cuticle斷定空格裏應當填入名詞大概動名詞。(cuticle:表皮)而4個選項中只有C是名詞大概動名詞。


  The term belles-lettres is used to denote literary forms that contain_____, such as drama,poetry, essays, and novels.

  (A) artistic, creative writing

  (B) writing that artistic, creative

  (C) artistic, creative, and writing

  (D) them is artistic, creative writing

  起首,剖析句子構造。該句子的骨幹是:The term belles-lettres is used to denote literary forms.背面的that引誘的從句潤飾名詞詞組literary forms,contain是動詞(包括),背面應當帶名詞或名詞詞組。不只如斯,such as這個短語引出的drama, poetry, essays, and novels應當是空格的同位語,再次解釋空格內應填入名詞或名詞詞組。選項A恰好是能做 contain的賓語的名詞短語。個中,形容詞artistic和creative潤飾動名詞writing,構成名詞詞組。選項B中的that背面缺乏助動詞is.選項D也能修建一個完全的句子構造,然則表達甚是包袱,並且代詞them指代毛病(them指代forms)。以是,準確謎底是A.


  Paul Samuelson revolutionized _____by presenting his students with the most advanced economicthinking at an introductory level.

  (A) to teach economics

  (B) the teaching of economics

  (C) teaching that economics is

  (D) economics is taught

  起首,剖析句子構造。空格後的by引誘的行動做方法狀語(by presenting his students with themost advanced economic thinking as an introductory level),句子的骨幹是Paul Samuelsonrevolutionized ______.由動詞revolutionized(對……舉行革命)的用法得出,厥後應當填入名詞大概名詞詞組,以組成完全的主謂賓構造(假如謂語動詞作及物動詞,句子的完全構造應當包括主謂賓構造;假如謂語動詞作非及物動詞,句子的完全構造是主謂構造)。

  對付選項A,動詞revolutionize並無revolutionize to do sth的用法,也便是說revolution做動詞時,即revolutionize是及物動詞,後不加不定式。選項B恰好是可組成賓語的名詞詞組。對付選項C,個中的that economics is用法毛病,由於它不克不及當從句潤飾可做名詞的動名詞teaching.而對付選項D,它是一個完全的主謂構造,填入空格中基本無法構成一個構造公道的句子。