
2015/10/14 瀏覽次數:9 收藏



  In evolutionary history, the development of language set humans apart fromthe rest of the animal kingdom.

  Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

  A. Humans evolved as the most powerful species after they are developed language.

  B. The creation of human language has its origins in the language of animals.

  C. The emergence of language distinguished early humans from other animals.

  D. Humans and animals developed completed different systems of communication.

  先來看題幹:Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

  該題請求從選項中選取一個可以或許表達原文暗影句子焦點信息的句子。許多同窗采取翻譯的辦法做題,即起首翻譯原句,然後逐一翻譯四個選項.這類做法不但糟蹋時光,並且對咱們的讀句子的才能請求極高。更好的做法是,起首斷定句子的焦點信息.這是考題傍邊為數未幾的原句比擬簡略的句子釋義題,原句的焦點觀點在於誇大區別(apart from)。是以找到同義調換,等於C項傍邊的distinguished。然則大多半題目標原文不會是一個簡略句,多半是帶有邏輯幹系的龐雜句,那末簡略的同義調換技能就沒法操縱了。若何快速辦理這類題型呢?咱們重要分兩個部門來剖析。


  The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.

  Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

  A. Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects large areas of land and great numbers of people.

  B. Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth.

  C. The spread of deserts is considered a very serious problem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countries are involved in the effort.

  D. Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless the population is reduced in the vast areas affected.


  句子中最焦點的信息起首便是該句的邏輯幹系.原句的邏輯幹系可以由result from 來斷定,為因果幹系.借此咱們就能夠縮小選項規模,起首排撤除C,D選項.剩下的A,B兩個選項均包括因果的邏輯幹系.接下來咱們可以依據句子的第二種焦點信息:主語,來斷定.原句的主語是Desertification戈壁化,而B項的主語是Slowing down the process of desertification緩解戈壁化過程.以是排撤除B選項,A為準確謎底.


  It is one of the most important sensations because it is translated into a negative reaction, such as withdrawal from danger.

  Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

  A. Escaping from danger is a negative reaction, but it is the most important thing an individual learns.

  B. The ability to sense pain is extremely important because pain signals the body to respond to a threat.

  C. Experiencing pain is one type of reaction to a negative stimulus; another type is avoiding danger.

  D. We experience a lot of sensations, and the most important ones are translated into appropriate actions.

  閱讀原句,從because可以看出邏輯幹系為因果幹系,而且原句傍邊有絕對化辭匯most.僅僅憑仗most這個水平很強的辭匯咱們可以消除C選項.由於原文傍邊帶有絕對化辭匯而選項中沒有,那末這個選項為必錯選項.接下來應用邏輯幹系消除A項,A中為遷移轉變幹系.而B恰好有because 這個詞,別的B中的extremely可以作為most的同義調換.準確謎底為B.

