
2015/11/06 瀏覽次數:8 收藏

【美國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/usa/) - 美國留學獎學金】2016哥倫比亞大學MBA獎學金

  Columbia Business School offers partial-tuition scholarships to qualified candidates, both domestic and international. Scholarships are mostly need-based, however, certain named scholarships have a merit component. Details on applying for scholarships can be found after admission.

  August-entry scholarship applications and related materials are due by March 1 or three weeks from the date of admission, whichever is later. January-entry scholarship applications and related materials are due by October 15 or three weeks from the date of admission, whichever is later. The date of admission is defined as the date on which the Admissions Office notifies the candidate via e-mail. Since requests for financial aid are processed in the order in which they are received, admitted students planning to apply for need-based aid are urged to complete the required steps as quickly as possible.

  Columbia Business School begins sending out financial aid packages in April for August-entry students and October for January-entry students and continues on a rolling basis until orientation. Amounts range from $7,500–$30,000 for those who qualify and based on funds available.

  To assess a student's eligibility for need-based aid, the School takes into consideration all possible resources (including cash, savings, investments, money market, IRA and 401(k) accounts, CDs, trust funds, real estate equity, GI and Social Security benefits, income of student and spouse, and income tax refunds) as well as educational debt levels. Additional information might be requested to best assess a candidate's ability to pay.

  External Scholarships

  We encourage all MBA applicants to look for scholarship resources outside of the school as well. For a listing of external scholarships and search engines, please visit our website.


