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  The goal of the financial aid office at Yale Divinity School is to assist students enrolled in its degree programs to manage and meet their institutional and living expenses. While there are several merit-based scholarship programs, most financial aid is awarded on the basis of demonstrated need, and over 90% of our students receive some form of scholarship assistance.

  Need-based scholarships

  The financial aid award normally consists of a YDS scholarship (from endowed funds), the offer of a federal William D. Ford Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, and earnings from a student job at the University. Please be aware that effective July 1, 2012, the Subsidized Stafford Loan program has been eliminated for graduate students.

  The application deadline for financial aid is March 1 for entering students and April 1 for continuing students. The Divinity School awards scholarships with a commitment toward increasing racial diversity and international populations.

  Merit Scholarships

  Yale Divinity School awards a number of merit scholarships each year. There is no separate application or recommendation required.

  Each year the YDS Admissions Committee designates three outstanding M.Div. and three M.A.R. applicants as Marquand Scholars. Criteria used in making these selections include exceptional academic achievement and demonstrated leadership ability. All Marquand Scholars receive full tuition and a $5,000 living allowance. Marquand Scholarships are renewed annually.

  The William Sloane Coffin Scholarship—honoring Coffin’s 17 years as University chaplain in the 1960s and 70s—is awarded to the incoming M.Div. applicant who demonstrates some of the attributes of Coffin’s prophetic leadership, his passion for social justice, and his critical theological interpretation of the social and political scene. The selection is made based on recommendations of the Admissions Committee. This is a full-tuition scholarship with a $5,000 living allowance that is renewable each year.

  The St. Luke’s Scholarship is a merit scholarship for an entering Episcopal M.Div. student with exceptional academics and demonstrated leadership ability. The scholarship provides full tuition and a $5,000 living allowance and is renewed annually.


