
2015/11/16 瀏覽次數:5 收藏

  本日咱們用一道托福經典task 1人物題來看看細節在測驗中飾演的腳色。願望如下內容對同窗們的托福備考有所贊助!

  “Describe the person whom you enjoy spending time with. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.”

  當你看到下面這句話時,你會不會發生共識? “我最愛好跟我的閨蜜在一路,由於她人超等好!” “人超等好”是甚麽觀點呢?有些人認為只要同夥接他手機便是超等好,而另外一些人則認為必需隨叫隨到鞍前馬後才喝采。

  每小我的尺度是如斯的分歧,你若何用讓托福考官對你的 “別人超等好”發生共識呢?在此,細節就起到了相當主要的感化。也便是每個托福自力白話題背面的: use specific examples and details to support your answer. 下面咱們逐一剖析:

  1. 細節在托福task1, task 2中飾演的腳色: 魂魄。沒有細節就沒有高分!!

  2. 細節湧現的地位:第三步。 上過我課的門生會曉得,在答復一二題時咱們有個三步曲:

  1) 第一步:開首點題- The person I like to spend time with is my best friend Caroline.

  2) 第二步:給出緣故原由- Because she is encouraging/ we share the same interests.

  3) 細節

  許多門生會止於第二步。在緣故原由誰人步調中枚舉許多: She is funny, humorous, warm-hearted,etc. 只管如斯,想得good仍舊很難,由於少了第三步,謎底便少了魂魄。

  3. 細節分類:

  1) 例子: 正如標題中所說use actual examples and details.以是例子是最佳的細節.

  Eg. She is encouraging. In 2013 we went hiking together in the north of Spain. 30 kilometers per day for me was really a challenge and I wanted to quit several times along the way. She never blamed on me, instead she sang and described the beautiful destination for me. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have arrived.

  2) 成果:即第二步的緣故原由引出了哪些result, consequence.

  Eg. Thanks to the common interests we share, like playing basketball, watching movies and reading, I never get the sense of loneliness. Besides, with such a good companion, I enjoy more of all the activities we do together.

  3) 緣故原由:與第二點根本同等。唯一的分歧是銜接詞的分歧,第二點中重要用so that, in this way, as a result, consequently, etc. 而在這一點中重要用because, due to the fact, as, for, since等。

  4) 反證法:假如門生其實沒法想到踴躍方面的細節,可以從反偏向動手,說相反概念的欠好:

  比方: We share so many interests, like watching movies and go shopping. I can’t even imagine how boring and lonely it would be to do all the stuff without her. There wouldn’t be anyone listening to my gossip about the movie bugs and no one together to comment on how the fashion has left us behind. Life would be such a drag.

  有了細節今後,考官縱然不完整share the same feeling with you,然則卻可以懂得為何你有如許的設法主意。


  I really enjoy spending time with my best friend Caroline.

  To start with, she is really an encouraging person. I remember in 2013 we went hiking together in the north of Spain for two weeks. 30 kilometers per day for me was really a challenge and I wanted to quit several times along the way. She never blamed on me, instead she sang and described the beautiful destination to cheer me up. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have arrived.

  Besides, we share a lot of common interests like playing basketball, watching movies and reading. We would gossip about the movie actors afterwards or discuss about the fashion trends. I never get the sense of loneliness. Besides, with such a good companion, I enjoy more of all the activities we do together.

  看過例子和細節後,你是否是從心坎認為Caroline是一個好同夥呢?是否是比僅僅說She is really an encouraging person and we share a lot of common interests打擊力要來的大一些呢? 你學會了嗎?