
2016/01/14 瀏覽次數:5 收藏

  考前給眾人先容下GRE瀏覽三大常見題型(宗旨、according to the passage、in order to)中準確選項的選取辦法。然則有的時刻咱們會發明許多的標題每每很難直接選出準確選項,而要經由過程消除法來獲得準確謎底。就像是各個題型都有牢固的準確選項的選法同樣,毛病選項也有本身的一套毛病紀律:混、偏、反、無






  When speaking of Romare Bearden, one is tempted to say, “A great Black American artist.” The subject matter of Bearden’s collages is certainly Black. Portrayals of the folk of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, whom he remembers from early childhood, of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem days, of Pittsburgh steelworkers, and his reconstruction of classical Greek myths in the guise of the ancient Black kingdom of Benin, attest to this. In natural harmony with this choice of subject matter are the social sensibilities of the artist, who remains active today with the Cinque Gallery in Manhattan, which he helped found and which is devoted to showing the work of minority artists.Then why not call Bearden a Black American artist? Because ultimately this categorization is too narrow. “What stands up in the end is structure,” Bearden says. “What I try to do is amplify. If I were just creating a picture of a farm woman from back home, it would have meaning to her and people there. But art amplifies itself to something universal.”Bearden’s social sensibilities and the subject matter of his collages are mentioned by the author in order to explainA.why one might be tempted to call Bearden a Black American artist.B.why Bearden cannot be readily categorized.C.why Bearden’s appeal is thought by many to be ultimately deeply an artist’s artistic creations are influenced by the artist’s social conscience.E.what makes Bearden unique among contemporary Black American artists.

  謎底:A剖析本題中D選項犯了典範的“混”的毛病。依據原文中黑體句子,Bearden的藝術創作和社會義務感是類比幹系,均可以表現出Bearden是一位黑人藝術家。然則D選項說社會義務感影響了藝術創作,有了因果幹系。依據咱們以前講授的in order to題型準確解題辦法,定位到原文的3s版本,本題應當定位到第一段,而第一段的3s版本為“Bearden是一個黑人藝術家”,準確謎底選A。



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