
2016/03/14 瀏覽次數:15 收藏




  Excuse me, this is my first time in Australia, and I can't speak English at all. Could you please tell me that if there is any Chinese staff working here can help me?



  Hello, my name is XXX, I come from China. This is my first time visiting Australia, sorry I can't speak English at all so my daughter/son wrote this for me. I come to Australia to visit my daughter/son who is working in Australia. I will stay for 30 days

  I will stay with my daughter/son at below address: xxx during my stay. Her name is XXX and contact mobile is XXXXXXX.

  You can also find my return ticket on XX of XX(返程日期) here.

  If you have any questions, can I bother you to get someone who could speak Chinese to help me please?

  Thank you!


  從入境敲章之處到取行李有一段幾分鐘的旅程,不要焦急,隨著其他全部人走,眾人都是統一個偏向,也能夠昂首探求行李提取(Luggage Claim)的招牌隨著走。到了以後,假如有好幾個通道都在放行李,看看中央上面掛的小電視,上面會表現每趟航班行李的轉盤號碼。假如不清晰,就問問四周的中國人,或是穿禮服的事情職員看這段話:

  Excuse me, my name is XXX, I come from China. This is my first time visiting Australia, sorry I can‘t speak English at all. Could you please tell me where to claim my luggage, my flight number is XXXXX, thank you.



  這一進程和入關差未幾,由於沒有物品報告,記著要走綠色通道 (nothing to declare)。 看看地面上會有綠色的通道,沿著綠色走就行。在列隊的時刻會有人向你再次索取入境卡和護照,重要看你有物品報告,給他看英文:

  Hello, my name is XYZ, I come from China. This is my first time arriving Australia, sorry I can't speak English at all so my daughter/Son wrote this for me.

  I don't carry any prohibited items, such as food or medicine in my luggage, so I don't have things to declare. Can you show me which way I should go, please? Thanks.

  If you have any questions, can I bother you to get someone who could speak Chinese to help me please?

  Thank you!

