
2016/03/14 瀏覽次數:15 收藏



  Excuse me. I can't speak English. Could you find a staff who can speak Chinese? Thank you so much. 對不起,我不會講英語。你能找個會漢語的事情職員嗎?

  Excuse me. I don’t speak English. My flight is xxx from Hong Kong. Here are my ticket and boarding pass. Would you tell me where the Baggage Claim is? Thank you so much!


  How can I find a trolley? 我如何能力找到個行李推車?


  Excuse me. I don’t speak English. Here are my ticket and boarding pass. I couldn’t find my check-in baggage. Could you help me please? 你好,我不會英文。這是我的機票和掛號牌,我沒有找到我的托運行李, 叨教您能幫我嗎?


  Excuse me. Where is the bathroom please? 對不起,叨教茅廁在那邊?

  Flight Number, Flight No. 航班號

  Check-in counter 登機口(上飛機處)的櫃台

  Gate 登機口

  Borading 登機

  Boarding Pass 登機牌

  Baggage Claim 行李認領

  Exit 出口

  Restroom 衛生間

  Women's 女衛生間

  Men's 男衛生間

  North 北 South 南 East 東 West 西

  Level 1 第一層(樓)

  Level 2 第二層(樓)

  Level 3 第三層 (樓)

  Shuttle 機場小巴

  Emergency Exit 緊迫出口

  Terminal 機場終端出口 候機樓

  Airport 機場

  Elevator, Lift 電梯

  Belt 帶, 傳送帶

  Arrival 抵達

  Departure 動身

  International 國際

  Domestic 海內

  Departure 騰飛

  Information Center 問訊處

  No Entry 勿進

  報關物品 goods to declare

  不需報關 nothing to declare

  高朋室 V. I. P. room

  海關 customs

  購票處 ticket office

  估計時光 scheduled time

  現實時光 actual time

  耽擱 delayed

  公用手機/付費手機 public phone; pay phone

  餐館 restaurant

  免稅店 duty-free shop

  銀行 bank

  郵局 post office

  泉幣兌換處 money exchange; currency exchange

  由此上樓 up; upstairs

  由此下樓 down; downstairs
