
2012/08/21 瀏覽次數:7 收藏

【菲律賓留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/philippines/) - 菲律賓留學申請前提】菲律賓留學申請百科

I.  Admission

1. 全部赴菲進修的中國留門生必需遵照菲律賓當局的司法律例,尊敬菲律賓國民的風氣習氣和代價崇奉,不做任何傷害菲律賓國度和國民平安、好處的工作。

1. Chinese students should obey rules and regulations of Philippine government, respect the culture and beliefs of the natives and not do anything that jeopardizes the securities of the Republic of the Philippines and its people.


2. The students must register on time, if not, they must specify the reason/s and time for the late enrollment in advance. When the student gets the approval, it will be considered as personal leave, and if students exceed the time limit without any reason, the admission qualification will be cancelled.

3. 全部復活必需用英文填寫大學註冊掛號表,並遞交照片等相幹材料。 

3. The students must fill out the university Registration Forms in English and submit other requirements such as pictures, etc.

II. Transfering student visa

1.  學員需按移民局請求用英文填寫相幹申請表格(一式兩份),並遞交本人的公證和認證材料。 

1.  The students must submit Two (2) copies of English a.complished application forms required by the Bureau of Immigration and personal notarizations and authentications.

2. 學員需按移民局請求舉行外國留學職員體檢,體檢及格後方可申請轉留門生簽證。 

2. The students need to have physical examination required by the Bureau of Immigration, only it is qualified then students could apply for student visa.

3. 轉門生簽證須要20天上下的時光,學員將在分開菲律賓前拿到,因弗成抗力身分而延伸轉門生簽證時光請予以原諒。 

3. It takes about 20 days to transfer from tourist visa to student visa and students will get it before they leave Philippines. We will not be responsible for the delay due to reasons that beyond human control.

4. 因提早離校而未能勝利定時轉門生簽證,所激發的效果由學員本人承當。 

4. Personal reason that result in failed student visa (eg. Leave school earlier than expected time), students should be responsible for their behavior.

III. Study

1. 黌舍賣力在學員上課分開前發放正式登科關照書。 

1. The university will issue the official letter of admission before students leave school.

2. 博士課程每一年會合進修兩次,每次三周,別的時光可由學員自行支配在菲律賓大學或菲律賓境外做研討。 

2. The concentrate Doctoral studies is arranged 2 times every year, and about 3 weeks each time. Students can choose to study or do research at school or outside of Philippines in other times.

3. 學員若在劃定上課時光內提早分開,所發生的統統效果由學員本人承當。

3. If students leave school before the settled time, students should shoulder all the consequences.

4. 教室上踴躍合營導師教授教養並應只管即便應用英文交換。

4..communicate and interact in English with teachers actively in class.

5. 出勤率達不到80%的學員,導師有權在測驗時賜與不合格處置。 

5. If students attendance rate is lower than 80%, university has the right to let students don"t get the units.

6. 若不克不及定時完成功課而影響到測驗成就或卒業時光將由學員本人承當喪失。 

6. Students are responsible for the consequences of unfavorable score or graduation date due to their failure in finishing research work.

7. 如在教授教養中有看法不合者,可與項目助理舉行相同,項目助理向項目主席報告請示後,由項目主席同相幹先生或部分協商辦理。 

7. If they have any different opinions, students could.communicate with program assistant,who will submit the report to the program chairman, and the chairman will coordinate the problems with related teachers.

IV. Life

1. 同窗間互相尊敬,聯結友愛。 

1. Getting on with classmates well.

2. 大學為無煙校園,校內弗成吸煙。 

2.  No-smoking on campus.

3. 自發愛惜校內各項大眾舉措措施,損壞補償。 

3. Taking care of the university properties, pay for the damage/s.

4. 學員要尊龐大學裏列國門生的崇奉自由,不舉行批評和幹預。 

4. Show respects to the freedom of religious belief of all the students.

V. Graduation

1.  學員完成每一年兩次,每次三周的會合進修,定時完成功課,加入測驗,提交論文英文稿並答辯通事後方可卒業。 

1. The students finish the massed learning (twice a year, about three weeks each time), .complete all the research work, take the exams, submit the dissertation, and finally pass the dissertation to get the diploma.

2. 卒業發表大學博士學位證書。 

2. Students will get certification of Doctoral Degree from the university when they are allowed to graduate.

VI. Suspension and drop out

1. 凡因康健緣故原由或別的緣故原由須要休學者,需供給病院證實和相幹證實,申請同意後方可休學。 

1.  If the students want to get suspension because of health problem or other reasons, the certificates from hospital and relative document should be offered, they could suspend after getting the approval from school.

2. 學員繳費註冊以後,依照大學相幹劃定,不予退還膏火。 

2. The fees are not refundable according to the relative rules of the university.

3. 曠課50學時,和進修時代未解決任何手續擅自半途離校者,視為主動退學,主動退學者不予退還任何用度。 

3. If the students will be absent from school for more than 50 class hours, and leave school without any approval, they will be considered as drop out of school automatically. The fees are  not refundable.

VII. Other

1.  第一次課程停止後,學員需供給大學立案材料,包含:護照掃描件(包含轉門生簽證頁)、I-Card掃描件、門生證掃描件、第一次課程成就單掃描件。 

1. After the first module/term, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: scanned passport (and the copy of changing to student visa), scanned I-card, scanned student ID as well as scanned transcript of records of the first courses.

2. 第二次課程停止後,學員需供給大學立案材料,包含:博士論文標題、博士生導師、第二次課程成就單掃描件。 

2. After the second module/term, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: title of dissertation, advisor, scanned transcript of records of the second courses.

3. 第三次課程停止後,學員需供給大學立案材料,包含:在黌舍構造的國際學術集會提交論文標題、目次、綱目,第三次課程成就單掃描件。 

3. After the third module/term, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: submit title of dissertation, tables and general outline to international affairs organized by university.

4. 第四次課程停止後,學員需供給大學立案材料,包含:第四次課程成就單掃描件、博士論文標題、目次、綱目,論文答辯成就。 

4. After the fourth module/term, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: scanned transcript of records of the fourth courses, title of dissertation, tables and general outline as well as defense score.

5. 卒業儀式後,學員需供給大學立案材料,包含:卒業證書掃描件. 

5. After Graduation Ceremony, students need to offer the data to university to put on records, including: A photocopy of Doctoral Degree Diploma. 
