
2015/04/14 瀏覽次數:8 收藏


  Some historians contend that conditions in the United States during the Second World War gave rise to a dynamic wartime alliance between trade unions and the African American community, an alliance that advanced the cause of civil rights. They conclude that the postwar demise of this vital alliance constituted a lost opportunity for the civil rights movement that followed the war. Other scholars, however, have portrayed organized labor as defending all along the relatively privileged position of White workers relative to African American workers. Clearly, these two perspectives are not easily reconcilable, but the historical reality is not reducible to one or the other.

  Unions faced a choice between either maintaining the prewar status quo or promoting a more inclusive approach that sought for all members the right to participate in the internal affairs of unions, access to skilled and high-paying positions within the occupational hierarchy, and protection against management's arbitrary authority in the workplace. While union representatives often voiced this inclusive ideal, in practice unions far more often favored entrenched interests. The accelerating development of the civil rights movement following the Second World War exacerbated the unions' dilemma, forcing trade unionists to confront contradictions in their own practices.

  Question #11. 094-01 (21726-!-item-!-188;#058&000094-01)

  The "unions' dilemma" mentioned in the highlighted text can best be described as the question of whether or not to

  (A) pressure management to create more skilled and high-paying positions

  (B) fight for greater union participation in management decisions

  (C) include minority workers in their membership

  (D) extend full rights and benefits to all their members

  (E) emphasize the recruitment of new members over serving the needs of current members

  Question #12. 094-02 (21772-!-item-!-188;#058&000094-02)

  According to the passage, the historians mentioned in the first highlighted portion of text and the scholars mentioned in the second highlighted portion disagree about the

  (A) contribution made by organized labor to the war effort during the Second World War

  (B) issues that union members considered most important during the Second World War

  (C) relationship between unions and African Americans during the Second World War

  (D) effect of the Second World War on the influence of unions in the workplace

  (E) extent to which African Americans benefited from social and political changes following the Second World War

  Question #13. 094-06 (21818-!-item-!-188;#058&000094-06)

  The passage is primarily concerned with

  (A) providing a context within which to evaluate opposing viewpoints about a historical phenomenon

  (B) identifying a flawed assumption underlying one interpretation of a historical phenomenon

  (C) assessing the merits and weaknesses of a controversial theory about a historical phenomenon

  (D) discussing the historical importance of the development of a wartime alliance

  (E) evaluating evidence used to support a particular interpretation of a historical phenomenon


  11 問誰人兩難的地步是甚麽!適才咱們掃文章的時刻已曉得這個兩難的地步是要末保持戰前程度要末為全部工人鉆營權力。咱們帶著這個信息來看看選項!

  A 給治理層施壓供給更多高薪職位,沒說過,殺。

  B 參加治理層,沒提過,殺

  C 把一少部門人釀成會員,沒提,殺

  D 把權力親睦處延長到全部成員,和文章有點幹系,先留著

  E 招募新的成員,沒提,殺

  12 問兩個分歧之處人概念的差別是甚麽,差別經由過程甚麽處所表現出來?明顯是背面誰人人的,咱們存眷however背面所說的就能夠了(固然你把兩小我的都讀了找出差別也能夠,只不外我科場沒那末多時光,你呢?)咱們來看看however背面這句話 Other scholars, however, have portrayed organized labor as defending all along the relatively privileged position of White workers relative to African American workers. 也許說的是白種工人相對非洲來的美國工人有特權。咱們來看看選項

  A 勞動力對付二戰所做的進獻,沒提,殺。

  B 一些union member以為是最主要的話題,沒提,殺

  C union和非洲來的美國工人之間的幹系,主體另有點幹系,並且說的有點像佛,先留著


  E 非洲來的美國工人從社會和政治的變更中受益,沒提,殺。

  13 問宗旨,咱們直接來看選項

  A 兩個家夥對付一個征象相反的概念,和文章第一段有點幹系,留著

  B 一個毛病的假如,文章沒談誰對誰錯,便是比較了兩小我的立場,主觀謎底,去掉

  C 一個抵觸理論的優缺陷。文章就沒談過一個抵觸的理論,更不要說它的優缺陷了

  D 戰斗聯盟的主要性,文章確切談過,但只是個配景,不克不及答復題目,幹掉

  E 一個器械來支撐對一個汗青征象的解讀,文章都湧現however了,確定不是支撐,殺

