莫納什大學Monash University

2011/03/19 瀏覽次數:12 收藏

【馬來西亞留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/malaysia/) - 馬來西亞留學教導系統】莫納什大學Monash University

黌舍名稱:馬來西亞莫納什大學 Monash University
學歷:說話 專科 本科 研討生 收集課程

莫納什大學Monash University

莫納什大學各個校區的進修情況是幽雅的,國際化的,同時又是充斥活氣,生機勃勃的, 每一年吸引著100多個國度的留門生前來肄業,各個校園設有國際留門生辦公室,為留門生供給五星級留門生辦事。大學具有100多個門生俱樂部,可以豐碩各種門生的業余生存和知足各種門生的喜好。


澳洲八大院校之一;莫納什大學是澳大利亞最大的,最國際化的大學,在校門生至多的綜合大學天下最大的原子能加快器將建在蒙納士大學;莫納什大學具備天下一流的科研結果,教授教養質量及天下一流的留門生辦事;莫納什大學具有本身的莫納什學院,為高二,高三及大專門生供給有包管的快捷課程,經由過程快捷課程直接進入莫納什大學二年級;全澳大利亞前第三位的藏書樓可供給跨越230萬冊的藏書及18000余冊期刊;今朝,莫納什大學在國際交換與互助、科研立異和教授教養質量方面皆居天下領先位置;卒業生學術才能出眾,具備自學才能強、有團隊互助精力、擅長改造立異、可以或許擔負引導者等特色,廣受店主迎接,就業率全澳第一,所得到的薪水是全澳洲大門生中的最高程度;莫納什大學卒業生在當局構造、跨國公司及學術界中擔負要職:澳大利亞財務大臣、吉隆坡股票生意業務所履行主席、新加坡股票生意業務所總裁、新加坡港總裁、馬來西亞康健督導、前印尼總外事參謀、新加坡首席器官移植大夫、泰國銀行高等行政官 都會表面 墨爾本是一個頗有特點的都會,具備英國的念舊作風。屬溫帶氣象,這裏四時明白,夏日均勻攝氏14-25度,冬日攝氏-6-13度,年齡兩季氣象平和。隨處可見郁郁蔥蔥的樹木和花團錦簇的花草。這個典範的公園都會,有公園 400多座,隨處是綠地和花圃.


門生可以應用自行車,搭乘門生會供給的便車辦事大概應用方便的大眾交通,各個校園都靠 近火車站,在Caulfield、Gippsland、Parkville校園可以乘地鐵、有軌電車,交通非常便利。 
本科信息Art, Design 藝術計劃類
Single degrees 單學位
Bachelor of Architectural Design Caulfield 修建計劃
Bachelor of Design (Visual.communication) Caulfield 計劃-視覺流傳
Bachelor of Fine Art Caulfield 藝術學
Bachelor of Industrial Design Caulfield 產業計劃
Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Berwick, Caulfield, Gippsland, Malaysia, off-campus 信息技巧
Bachelor of Interior Architecture Caulfield 室內修建
Bachelor of Multimedia and Digital Arts Caulfield 多媒體和數碼藝術
Bachelor of Visual and Media Arts Gippsland 視覺和媒體藝術
Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield 視覺藝術
Honours degree of Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Berwick, Caulfield, Gippsland 信息技巧聲譽學士
Double degrees 雙學位
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield, Gippsland 藝術學+視覺藝術
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield 貿易學+視覺藝術
Bachelor of Business and.commerce / Bachelor of Visual Arts Gippsland 貿易經濟+視覺藝術
Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design) Clayton 工程學+計劃學
Bachelor of Visual Arts / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Gippsland, Peninsula 視覺藝術+教導學

Arts,Humanities and Social Science 藝術,人文和社會科學類
Single degrees 單學位
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering Clayton 航天工程
Bachelor of Arts Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 藝術學
Bachelor of Arts .communication) Gippsland, off-campus 流傳藝術
Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice) Gippsland, off-campus 刑事審訊
Bachelor of Arts (English Language) Clayton 英語學
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) (Faculty of Arts) Gippsland, off-campus 消息學
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) (Faculty of Arts) Caulfield 消息學
Bachelor of Arts (Languages) Clayton 說話學
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities) Gippsland, off-campus 生理學和人類學
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Caulfield 人力資本治理
Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield 治理學
Bachelor of Business and.commerce Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 貿易與經濟學
Bachelor of Cognitive Science 認知科學
Bachelor of.commerce Clayton 經濟學
Bachelor of.communication (Faculty of Arts) Berwick 流傳學
Bachelor of.communication (Faculty of Arts) Berwick 流傳學
Bachelor of.communication (Faculty of Arts) Malaysia 流傳學
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Peninsula 幼兒初期教導
Bachelor of Environmental Science Clayton 情況科學
Bachelor of Music Clayton 音樂
Bachelor of Nursing (Psychological Studies) Peninsula 照顧護士
Bachelor of Performing Arts Clayton 演出藝術
Bachelor of Primary Education Gippsland 小學教導
Bachelor of Psychology (with honours) Clayton, Peninsula 生理學
Bachelor of Psychology and Business Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 生理學和貿易學
Bachelor of Psychology and Management/Marketing Caulfield 生理學和治理學
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) Gippsland, Malaysia, off-campus 生物科技
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management) Malaysia 情況治理
Bachelor of Social and.community Welfare 社區事情
Honours degree of Bachelor of Business and.commerce Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia 貿易與經濟學院
The Honours Degree of the Bachelor of Psychology and Business (Psychology) Clayton, Malaysia, South Africa, Singapore 生理


Double degrees 雙學位
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering / Bachelor of Arts Clayton 航天工程學+藝術學
Bachelor of Arts .communication) / Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Gippsland, off-campus 流傳學+信息工程與

Bachelor of Arts .communication) / Bachelor of Science Gippsland, off-campus 流傳藝術+科學
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) / Bachelor of Science Gippsland, off-campus 消息學+科學
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities) / Bachelor of Social and.community Welfare Gippsland, off-campus 生理與人類學+社會福利學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Caulfield 藝術學+管帳學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) Caulfield 藝術險惡+銀行財務學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield 藝術學+貿易治理學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Caulfield 藝術學+市場營銷學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business and.commerce Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 藝術學+貿易經濟學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business Information Systems Clayton 藝術學+貿易信息體系
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of.commerce Clayton 藝術學+經濟學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of.computer Science Clayton 藝術學+盤算機科學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Economics Clayton 藝術學+經濟學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Gippsland, Peninsula 藝術學+教導學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton 藝術學+教導學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Caulfield 藝術學+信息技巧和體系
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 藝術學+司法
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science Clayton 藝術學+科學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social and.community Welfare Gippsland, off-campus 藝術學+社區福利
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social Work Caulfield, off-campus 藝術學+社區事情
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield, Gippsland 藝術學+視覺藝術
Bachelor of Arts and Honours Degree Bachelor of Social Work 藝術+社會事情
Bachelor of Business (Accounting) / Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield 管帳+治理
Bachelor of Business (Management) / Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Caulfield 治理+市場營銷
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Visual Arts Caulfield 貿易學+視覺藝術
Bachelor of Business and.commerce / Bachelor of.communication Berwick, Malaysia 貿易經濟學+流傳學
Bachelor of Business and.commerce / Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Berwick, Gippsland, off-campus 貿易經濟學+信息科技
Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering / Bachelor of Business and.commerce Gippsland 情況工程+貿易經濟學
Bachelor of.commerce / Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering Clayton 經濟學+航天工程
Bachelor of.commerce / Bachelor of Business Information Systems Clayton 經濟學+貿易信息體系
Bachelor of.commerce / Bachelor of Economics Clayton 貿易+經濟
Bachelor of.commerce / Bachelor of Engineering Clayton 貿易+工程
Bachelor of.commerce / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 貿易+司法
Bachelor of.commerce / Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Clayton 貿易 貿易+ 電機一體化工程學
Bachelor of.commerce / Bachelor of Science Clayton 貿易學+科學
Bachelor of.communication / Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems Berwick 流傳學+信息技巧和體系
Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Arts Clayton 工程學+藝術學
Bachelor of Health Science and Honours Degree Bachelor of Social Work 康健科學+社區事情聲譽學士
Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering / Bachelor of Arts Clayton 電機一體化工程+藝術學
Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering / Bachelor of Science Clayton 電機一體化工程+科學
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of.commerce Clayton 音樂+貿易學
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton 音樂+教導學
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 音樂+司法
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Performing Arts Clayton 音樂+演出藝術
Bachelor of Performing Arts / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 演出藝術+司法
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) / Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management) Malaysia 生物工程+情況治理科學
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Business and.commerce Gippsland, off-campus 科學+貿易經濟學
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of.computer Science Clayton 科學+盤算機科學
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton 科學+教導學
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Engineering Clayton 科學+工程學
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 科學+司法

Business,.commerce and Law 貿易,經濟和司法
Single degrees
Bachelor of Accounting Clayton 管帳學
Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) Caulfield 銀行財務學
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Caulfield 人力資本治理
Bachelor of Business (Law) Caulfield 司法
Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield 治理
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Caulfield 市場營銷
Bachelor of Business and.commerce Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 貿易經濟學
Bachelor of Business Information Systems Clayton 貿易信息體系
Bachelor of Business Studies Off-campus 貿易研討
Bachelor of.commerce (Accounting and Finance) Clayton 管帳和金融
Bachelor of Economics Clayton 經濟學
Bachelor of Innovation and Enterprise Berwick 立異與企業家治理
Bachelor of Laws Clayton 司法
Bachelor of Psychology and Business Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, South Africa, off-campus 生理和貿易
Bachelor of Psychology and Management/Marketing Caulfield 生理和治理市場營銷
Bachelor of Sports Promotion and Events Management Gippsland 活動營銷和時光治理
Double degrees 雙學位
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 航天工程+司法
Bachelor of Arts .communication) / Bachelor of Science Gippsland, off-campus 藝術傳寶+科學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Caulfield 藝術學+管帳學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) Caulfield 藝術學+銀行財務學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Management) Caulfield藝術學+治理學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Caulfield 藝術學+市場營銷
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Business and.commerce Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 藝術學+貿易經濟學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of.commerce Clayton 藝術+ 貿易
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Economics Clayton 藝術+經濟學
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton
Bachelor of Biomedical Science / Bachelor of Economics Clayton 生物制藥+經濟學
Bachelor of Biomedical Science / Bachelor of Laws Clayton 生物制藥+司法

Education 教導類
Single degrees
Bachelor of Primary Education (Faculty of Education) Gippsland 小學教導
Honours degree of Bachelor of Education Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula 教導學 碩士信息Art, Design 藝術和計劃類
master of Applied Information Technology Caulfield, Gippsland, off-campus 運用信息技巧
master of Arts Caulfield, Gippsland 藝術
master of Design Caulfield 計劃
master of Design (by Research) Caulfield 計劃
master of Film and Television Studies Clayton 片子電視
master of Multimedia Caulfield 多媒體
master of Multimedia Design Caulfield 多媒體計劃
master of Visual Arts Caulfield, Gippsland, off-campus 視覺藝術

Arts,Humanities and Social Science
master in Adult Education (Global) Off-campus 成人教導學
master in Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers Clayton, off-campus 運用說話學
master in European and International Studies Caulfield, Clayton 歐洲和國際研討
master of Applied Social Research Caulfield 運用社會研討
master of Arts (Music.composition) Clayton 音樂
master of Asian Studies Caulfield, Clayton 亞洲研討
master of Australian Studies 澳大利亞研討
master of Bioethics (Faculty of Arts) Clayton, off-campus 生物倫理學
master of Business Administration/master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management Caulfield 貿易治理和企業

master of Business Administration/master of Human Resource Management Caulfield 貿易治理和人力資本治理
master of Business Administration/master of International Development and Environmental Analysis Caulfield 貿易治理和國際成長與情況剖析
master of.communications Caulfield, off-campus 流傳學
master of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 教導學
master of English as an International Language Clayton 英語作為天下說話研討
master of Environment and Sustainability Clayton 情況與可連續成長研討
master of Environmental Science (Faculty of Arts) Clayton 情況科學
master of History Clayton 汗青
master of Human Resource Management Caulfield, off-campus 人力資本治理
master of International Development and Environmental Analysis Clayton 國際成長與情況剖析
master of International Relations Clayton 國際幹系研討
master of Laws (Workplace and Employment Law) City 司法
master of Music Studies Clayton 音樂
master of Philosophy (Faculty of Business and Economics) Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula, Malaysia, off

-campus 哲學
master of Publishing and Editing Caulfield 出書和編纂

Business,.commerce and Law 貿易經濟和司法
master of Applied Econometrics Caulfield 計量經濟學
master of Applied Finance (Faculty of Business and Economics) Caulfield 運用財務學
master of Business (Accounting) Caulfield 管帳
master of Business (Banking and Finance) Caulfield 銀行財務學
master of Business Administration Caulfield 貿易治理
master of Business Administration/LLM .commercial Law) Caulfield 貿易治理
master of Business Administration/master of Applied Finance Caulfield 貿易治理+運用財政
master of Business Administration/master of Business Law Caulfield 貿易治理+貿易法
master of Business Administration/master of Business Systems Caulfield 貿易治理+貿易體系
master of Business Administration/master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management Caulfield 貿易治理+企業情況和可連續治理
master of Business Administration/master of Human Resource Management Caulfield 貿易治理+人力資本治理
master of Business Administration/master of Information Management and Systems Caulfield 貿易治理+信息治理和體系
master of Business Administration/master of Marketing Caulfield 貿易治理+市場營銷
master of Business Administration/master of Risk Management Caulfield 貿易治理+危害治理
master of Business Economics Caulfield 貿易經濟學
master of Business Law Caulfield, OS-CHI-BEI 貿易法
master of Business Management Off-campus 貿易治理
master of Business Systems (Faculty of Information Technology) Clayton 貿易體系
master of Diplomacy and Trade Caulfield, off-campus
master of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 教導學
master of Human Resource Management Caulfield, off-campus 人力資本治理
master of Information Management and Systems Caulfield 信息治理和體系
master of Intellectual Property Law City 常識產權法
master of International Business Caulfield, Malaysia 國際商務
master of International Development and Environmental Analysis Clayton 國際成長和情況研討
master of International Relations Clayton 國際幹系
master of Laws City 司法
master of Marketing (Faculty of Business and Economics) Caulfield 市場營銷學
master of Philosophy (Faculty of Law) 哲學
master of Professional Accounting (Faculty of Business and Economics) Caulfield 專業管帳
master of Professional Accounting/master of Business Law Caulfield 專業管帳+貿易法
master of Public Policy and Management Caulfield, off-campus 大眾政策與治理
master of Risk Management Caulfield 危害治理
master of Taxation Caulfield 稅務
master of Tourism Caulfield 旅行

Education 教導
master in Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers Clayton, off-campus 運用說話學
master of Education (Faculty of Education) Clayton, Gippsland, Peninsula, off-campus 教導學
master of Psychology (Counselling) and Doctor of Philosophy Clayton, off-campus 生理學

Engineering 工程
master of Aerospace Engineering Clayton 航天工程
master of Digital.communications Clayton 數字傳媒
master of Engineering Science (Coursework and Minor Thesis) Clayton 工程科學
master of Engineering Science (Research) Clayton, Gippsland, Malaysia, off-campus 工程科學—研討碩士
master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management Off-campus 大眾基本舉措措施工程和治理
master of Traffic Off-campus 交通學
master of Transport Off-campus 運輸學
Graduate Certificate in Transport and Traffic Off-campus

Information Technology 信息技巧
master of Applied Information Technology Caulfield, Gippsland, off-campus 運用信息技巧
master of Business Administration/master of Business Systems Caulfield 貿易治理+貿易信息體系
master of Business Administration/master of Information Management and Systems Caulfield 貿易治理+信息治理體系
master of.computer Science Clayton 盤算機科學
master of Design Caulfield 計劃學
master of Information Management and Systems Professional Caulfield 信息治理和體系
master of Multimedia Caulfield 傳媒
master of Multimedia Design Caulfield 傳媒計劃
master of Philosophy Malaysia 哲學

Science 科學
master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management Clayton 企業情況和可連續治理
master of Human Services Management Off-campus 人力資本治理 
申請前提 說話→ GPA:無 / IELTS:無 /
本科→ GPA:80 / IELTS:6.5 /
研討生→ GPA:80 / IELTS:6.5 /
GRE:不請求 / GMAT:不請求 /
