
2014/05/19 瀏覽次數:112 收藏

【澳洲留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/australia/) - 澳洲留學申請前提】墨爾本大學本科級國際門生申請流程


  Step 4:

  Preparing for study

  Once you've received and accepted your offer, it's time to get ready to move to Melbourne! You'll need to find a place to live, decide whether you need to work while you study and learn about life in your new city. Below are some helpful resources, including enrolment information, to make the transition easier for you.


  If you haven't already got your visa to study in Australia, now is the time to do that. All citizens of countries other than New Zealand or Australia need a visa to study here. You should have received information about applying for a student visa with your offer of a place from the University.

  · Applying for a student visa

  · Student visa conditions

  · Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

  Organising your arrival

  Each semester, International Student Services organises pre-departure briefings in a number of countries. All commencing international students and their families are invited to attend the briefings prior to your arrival in Melbourne. This will help you understand more about what life in Melbourne will be like.

  · Pre-departure briefings

  If you can't make it to a pre-departure briefing or there isn't one near you, don't worry. There is a lot of information right here that can help you find your way.


  Finding a place to live can be complicated from a distance. Melbourne offers plenty of housing options. Some students choose to live in campus residences, some choose to stay with an Australian family, while most Australian students choose 'share housing', where a number of students live together close to the University.

  · Find out more about Accommodation in Melbourne

  Need somewhere to stay until longer term housing is available? You can request temporary accommodation before you arrive in Melbourne. If you provide at least 72 hours notice, the University can book you into a budget hotel located close to the University for up to three nights. There's also longer term housing available for all students including Study Abroad and Exchange students.

  · Read more about moving to Melbourne

  Enrolment and orientation

  The first step in your new academic life is enrolling and attending your Academic Advice Day. Then there's orientation, designed to help ease your entry into campus life. To assist you with your move to Australian tertiary study, the Student Connect website has advice and information to help you understand all aspects of university life, including what happens at enrolment and orientation.

  · Getting used to a new country

  · Check out the First Year@Unimelb blog to give you the real story of what life as a first year student is like.

  Leadership and Volunteering

  · Challenge yourself, develop confidence, or enhance your leadership/team and interpersonal skills. Would you like to get involved in the community, connect with others at university and make new friends? How about gaining work experience, going on an adventure or just having fun? If your answer is yes, come and visit Equity and student engagement initiatives.

  Work while you study

  Some students choose to work while they’re studying. Student visas allow you to work, however you must comply with the conditions on your visa. For more information, see Work while studying

  Fun while you study

  Being at university isn't all hard work. Life on campus can be great fun too! For more information on activities and events outside of classes, take a look at the following:

  · Life at Melbourne

  · Sports clubs

  · Clubs and societies

  More services

  Check out all of our fantastic support services to help you out while you study. Our services include: Careers and Employment, Child Care Services, Counselling Service and many more. See Services for Students for more information.






  · 申請門生簽證

  · 門生簽證前提

  · 外洋門生康健保險(OSHC)



  · 行前預備會




  · 找出更多關於墨爾本留宿的信息


  · 瀏覽更多關於轉移至墨爾本的信息




  · 習氣新國度

  找出First Year@Unimelb博客來提供應你作為一個復活的真實生存是如何的。


  一些門生選取在他們進修的時刻事情。門生簽證許可你事情,但是你必需遵照你簽證上的前提。如需懂得更多信息,請拜訪Work while studying。



  · 在墨爾本的生存

  · 活動俱樂部

  · 俱樂部和社團




  找出全部精彩的支撐辦事來贊助你當你進修的時刻。咱們的辦事包含:奇跡及雇傭,兒童監護辦事,咨詢辦事和更多。請檢察門生辦事以得到更多信息。(本段由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )翻譯,僅供參考!)

  以上是由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )為眾人整頓的墨爾本大學本科級國際門生申請流程,願望對眾人有所贊助!

  註:“墨爾本大學本科級國際門生申請流程”本文由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )原創,轉載,請註明來由和相幹鏈接,不然窮究其司法義務!




