
2015/09/02 瀏覽次數:9 收藏






  比方:As a result of crustal adjustments and faulting, the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean now connects to the Atlantic, opened, and water cascaded spectacularly back into the Mediterranean.A. The strait of Gibraltar reopened when the Mediterranean and the Atlantic became connected and the cascades of water from one sea to the other caused crustal adjustments and faulting.B. The Mediterranean was dramatically refilled by water from the Atlantic when crustal adjustments and faulting opened the Strait of Gibraltar, the place where the two seas are joined.C. The cascades of water from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean were not as spectacular as the crustal adjustments and faulting that occurred when the Strait of Gibraltar was connected to those seas.D. As a result of crustal adjustments and faultin;g and the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic and Mediterranean were connected and became a single sea with spectacular cascades of water between them。

  原句是因果邏輯的句子,先找出其因: crustal adjustments and faulting,果:the Strait opened, and water cascaded spectacularly back into the Mediterranean。接著來看選項:A…. caused crustal adjustments and faulting 明顯是因果顛倒了,絕不遲疑地滅掉;C. 由於此選項中湧現比擬not as spectacular as, 異常惹眼的一個焦點詞,而原文中是潤飾動詞的副詞spectacularly,並未舉行比擬,二話不說也排撤除;D. As a result of crustal adjustments and faulting and the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar,… 這緣故原由裏怎樣多出來一項啊,擄袖子攆人吧!



  好比:The deer which once picturesquely dotted the meadows around the fort were gone [in 1832], hunted to extermination in order to protect the crops。

  這個句子較長,個中有which引誘的定語從句,另有hunted… 這個狀語,而解題時咱們只須要句子的骨幹The deer were gone。多半同窗在做題時有個習氣便是看到一句話後就開端逐詞瀏覽,乃至試圖把它翻譯成中文,這堪稱“兵家大忌”。

  碰到一句話先抓骨幹,碰到整段記得掃描段落有沒有顯眼的連詞,舉例旌旗燈號詞等,閱讀每段的主題句。再說一下小結題,大多半考生的切身痛苦。一是做到 末了一題不時間已所剩無幾,二是末了一題是對全文的重要內容的總結,相對於龐雜。在教室中,我幾回再三向門生誇大掌控全文構造及大意的主要性,而若何去掌控?

  一是做題以前可也許閱讀文章的題目及每段首句。作為學術性的瀏覽文章,首句根本都是主題句。特別是總分構造的文章,好比TPO6中的 Infantile Amnesia, 固然文章較難懂得,然則文中明白提出了三種概念first,second,third… 那末此類文章小結題的選項太不言而喻了。再者,文章的每段會對應出2-3道題,那末標題中對應的部門根本都是段落的焦點地點。從這兩點就能夠很快懂得文章 的重要內容。以是在舉行TPO演習時,做題雖弗成或缺,但還要留意多加演習快速托福瀏覽文章的才能。
