
2016/01/18 瀏覽次數:3 收藏

  審題,是寫作的第一步,卻常常被眾人所疏忽。有太多考生只著眼於若何寫出英俊的句子和高等的辭匯,而沒有搞清寫作的實質--考核門生針對某一話題舉行精確聯貫表述的才能。這也是為何許多同窗固然英語不弱,在托福測驗的自力部門中卻只能拿到 fai r或 good 傍邊較低的4分。那末到底如何能力加倍輕易地拿到自力寫作的滿分呢? 筆者本日將經由過程枚舉以往考過的真題舉行剖析,告知眾人若何審題,換句話說,若何使高分變得加倍achievable。



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the only main cause for people's unhealthy eating habits.

  看到這個標題,同窗們連忙會開端想,有無other reasons for unhealthy habits,想出三條如:1. People's tight schedules do not allow them to eat at regular hours; 2. Sometimes people are eager to lose weight or to keep fit so that they go on "endless diets"; 3. Bearing heavy burden both physically and mentally, some consider eating constantly as their most effective stress reliever. 綜上所述,advertising is not the only cause.

  這個寫法看起來異常完整,但實在犯了一個不起眼卻緊張的毛病--標題不是要咱們證實it is not the only cause,而是要咱們去證實it is not the only main cause。多一個"main",意思是很不同樣的。假如咱們只須要證實it is not the only cause,那末找出other causes便可即例1中的寫法。然則,假如咱們要證實it is not the only main cause,就須要證實other causes that we mentioned are also main causes,這就須要在每段中加之一些專門的解釋。大概,更簡略的方法是去證實advertising is not even a cause, 直接在每段的末端加之advertising與該段所闡述的unhealthy eating habit無關的闡述便可。If it is not a cause, how can it be the onlymain cause? 如許一來,就不消經由過程證實另有其他main cause來辯駁了,究竟上,證實某種cause是main cause照樣挺有難度的,是以筆者推舉同窗們用後一種方法舉行闡述。是以,文章照樣disagree,而三段的主題句分離應當是:1、1. People's tight schedules do not allow them to eat at regular hours, and it is obvious that they are too busy to be influenced by advertising; 2. Sometimes people are eager to lose weight or to keep fit so that they go on "endless diets", and this is more like a result of human nature, the pursuit of beauty, but not advertising; 3. Bearing heavy burden both physically and mentally, some consider eating constantly as their most effective stress reliever, and it is quite clear that no advertising encourages them to do so.

  例2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges and universities should offer more preparation for student before they start working.

  看到這個標題,許多同窗會大概會如許寫:Agree. 1. Students should take morespecializedcourses(專業課)in order to be knowledgeable and skillful enough for their future careers(接著開端闡述being knowledgeable and skillful的主要性); 2.Participating in internships helps students to have a clearer picture of their vocational development in the future(接著開端闡述,假如沒有實過習,在事情的時刻是何等地feel so unprepared); 3. Attending more club activities is an effective way to improve social skills, which are crucial for success both in life and at work(接著開端闡述good social skills對職業和生存的贊助).假如不看括號裏的內容,僅看主題句,這篇文章是沒有任何題目的。但是,括號中的闡述從嚴厲意義上來說,是不克不及支撐"more"這個癥結詞的。舉個簡略的例子:"咱們須要錢"和"咱們須要更多錢"在證實的時刻重點是不同樣的。假如證實"咱們須要錢",應當具體論述錢的"弗成或缺性",好比生存、進修、教導都須要錢;然則假如證實"咱們須要更多錢",重點則應當放在"錢不敷"的闡述上,證實在進修、生存、教導方面的預算都很重要。一樣地,上面的標題中僅僅證實Knowledge for careers, field experience and social skills are important是不敷的,究竟上,這些基本不須要證實,須要證實的工作是graduates today are not well prepared in the three aspects. 是以這篇文章應當是一篇"埋怨型"的文章,具體地去闡述黌舍事情的不敷。參考思緒以下:Agree. 1. Many students today complain that they cannot learn practical skills and up-to-date information, for some of their teachers are not qualified enough to teach specialized courses; 2. Since many students are not allowed enough time to participate in internship programs before graduation, they know very little about what their future jobs like; 3. Joining clubs is possible for every college student, yet not every club provide is capable of offering enough opportunities for students to practice their social skills.

  同窗們在寫文章的時刻必定要留意,學術論文寫作不是句型和辭藻的堆砌,整篇文章必定是一個well-organized system,這個system中很主要的原則之二便是--

  1、每其中間段的topic sentence是用來支撐main idea的;

  2、topic sentence背面的每句話都是用來支撐該topic sentence的。在上面的兩個例子中,眾人會發明例1的毛病主如果main idea沒有很好地被topic sentence支撐;而例2的毛病在於topic sentence固然看起來是支撐main idea的,然則闡述的內容大概跟癥結詞"more"無關,從而不克不及有力地支撐topic sentences。這些毛病的原由,則是對題幹中癥結詞的疏忽。



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