
2016/06/23 瀏覽次數:13 收藏

  undergraduate students

  Estimated Cost of Attendance: 2016-2017

  The USC estimated Cost of Attendance is an average figure used to determine your financial aid eligibility. It includes average amounts for standard expenses—including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board and other living expenses for two semesters of study.

  Keep in mind that your actual costs may differ. Additionally, estimated budgets for students in some majors may be higher because of special laboratory or studio supply fees, or other additional costs incurred by all students in the program. Tuition is charged at the same rate for both in-state and out-of-state residents.

  2016-2017 Undergraduate Estimate of Costs

Tuition $51,442
Fees $841
Room and board* $14,348
Books and supplies $1,200
Personal and miscellaneous $1,300
Transportation $580
Total** $69,711

  *Includes average rent and the standard meal plan for students living in on-campus freshman housing.

  **Add $350 New Student Fee for your first semester.

  Graduate & Professional Prospective Students

  The USC estimated cost of attendance is a figure used to determine your financial aid eligibility. It includes average amounts for standard expenses, such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board and other living expenses. Estimated budgets are shown below.

  Keep in mind that your actual costs may differ. Additionally, estimated budgets for students in some programs may be higher because of longer enrollment periods, special laboratory or studio supply fees, or other additional costs incurred by all students in the program. Tuition is charged at the same rate for both in-state and out-of-state residents.

  Your estimated cost of attendance is available online at your Financial Aid Summary and Tasks (FAST) page. In some cases we can increase your budget to take into account additional expenses. For more information, see Special Circumstances and Appeals.

  2016-2017 Estimate of Costs:

  The following are estimated costs for two semesters if you are living in university housing or in non-university housing, but not with parents or relatives (other than a spouse):

  Master’s program


  *The tuition amount is based on 10 units of tuition. Students who take more units will be charged a per-unit amount. If you take more than 10 units and would like to request an increase to your estimated Cost of Attendance, contact the Financial Aid Office.

  **The tuition amount is based on 6 units of tuition. Students who take more units will be charged a per-unit amount. If you take more than 6 units and would like to request an increase to your estimated Cost of Attendance, contact the Financial Aid Office.

  ***Room and board amounts are based on the assumption that students will not maintain the same standard of living they did while employed. This may mean cutting expenses by living with roommates, preparing more meals at home or making other lifestyle adjustments.

  Doctoral program


  *The tuition amount is based on 12 units of tuition. Students who take more units will be charged a per-unit amount. If you take more than 12 units and would like to request an increase to your estimated Cost of Attendance, contact the Financial Aid Office.

  **The tuition amount is based on 8 units of tuition. Students who take more units will be charged a per-unit amount. If you take more than 8 units and would like to request an increase to your estimated Cost of Attendance, contact the Financial Aid Office.

  ***The tuition amount is based on 4 units of tuition. Students who take more units will be charged a per-unit amount. If you take more than 4 units and would like to request an increase to your estimated Cost of Attendance, contact the Financial Aid Office.


  ****Room and board amounts are based on the assumption that students will not maintain the same standard of living they did while employed. This may mean cutting expenses by living with roommates, preparing more meals at home or making other lifestyle adjustments.


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