愛爾蘭留學 留學常見十五問

2013/10/05 瀏覽次數:3 收藏

【愛爾蘭留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/ireland/) - 愛爾蘭留學日誌&履歷】愛爾蘭留學 留學常見十五問




比年來愛爾蘭教導的一個新的成長是私立高級院校的鼓起。這些私立院校的樹立是為了知足愛爾蘭和外洋門生分歧條理的進修需求。私立院校是愛爾蘭教導家當中最有活氣、成長最快的一個部分。在這些私立院校中最有代表性的有波托拜羅學院(Portobello College)和都柏林貿易黌舍。這些私立院校供給一系各國際承認的貿易、金融、司法和其他專業的學位。


2. Can I start to learn English training courses in Icon every month?我每月都能在ICON進修英語課程嗎?

Yes. In fact every Monday you can start to learn English Language programs.是。究竟上,英語課程每周一都有開學。

3.Can I stay in Ireland for job seeking after I finish my study?我在愛爾蘭學業停止後,能留下事情嗎?

After you finish your study in Ireland, it means that your student visa will end. But if you are so unique and excellent that one Irish company would like to select you, you will have the chance to stay in Ireland because the company will help you to extend the visa.學業完成,象征著你的門生簽證到期。除非你是一個特殊優良的人材,有公司樂意任命你並為你申請事情準證,不然只能返國。

4.Can my credits in Chinese university be transferred to Irish University? 我在中國大學的學分是不是可轉入愛爾蘭大學?

Yes, a few of your credits can be transferred if you still study the relevant subject.是,有些相幹專業的學分可轉入愛爾蘭大學。

5.If I have finished the 4 year degree course in China, can I directly go to the third or fourth year of Irish degree course? 假如我在大學已完成4年本科學歷,能直接進入愛爾蘭學士學位的第三或第四年嗎?

Yes, if it is a relevant major. Sometimes, it is possible for you to go directly to a postgraduate program. 是,假如是相幹專業。大概你另有大概直接進入碩士學位課程。

6.What are the English requirements for entering the university after the English program? 英語課程落後入大學的英語請求是甚麽?

The English requirements for undergraduate and postgraduate programs are TOEFL 550~600. 學士學位和碩士學位的英語請求是TOEFL550~600

7.Can Icon arrange for the living conditions? ICON 會為門生支配生存前提嗎?

Certainly. Icon will arrange accommodation for every student. 固然,ICON會為每一個門生支配留宿。

8.Is there any scholarship offered? 是不是有獎學金可申請?

There are very few scholarships offered in universities. Unless you are very outstanding, there is little possibilities to get scholarship. 某些大學有很少名額的獎學金,除非你特殊優良,不然機遇很少。

9.If I finish the certificate course in Institute of Technology in Ireland, can I transfer to the second year of degree program? What is the requirement? 假如已完成愛爾蘭技巧學院的證書課程,可否直接轉入愛爾蘭大學學士學位的第二年?請求是甚麽?

Of course you can directly transfer to second year of relevant degree program, if the average score of your certificate courses is above 65%. 可以直接進入相幹專業的學士學位的第二年。請求為證書課程每門均勻分65以上。

10.Is it possible for a Chinese institute graduated student to study at postgraduate level? 中國大專卒業,是不是可直接讀碩士課程?

No. If it is a three-year diploma of China, first you have to spend two years in undergraduate programs then go to the postgraduate program. 弗成以。假如是三年制的大專,先要修讀學士學位二年,再進入碩士課程。

11.Is there any age limit for English language programs? 英語課程是不是有年紀限定?

No. Last year we accepted a student of 40''s from China. 不,客歲咱們登科了一個40多歲的中國粹生。

12.How about the transportation in Ireland? 愛爾蘭的交通情形若何?

We recommend international students to have a monthly card by which you can take buses and trains around Ireland. The cost will be about USD52/per month. 咱們發起外洋門生每個月消費約52美元買一張月票,可以或許乘坐愛爾蘭公車和火車。

13.How long does it take for visa application? 簽證時光為若幹?

It takes about 4~6 weeks. 約莫須要4~6周。

14.Is Chinese high school certificate recognized to go to Irish university? 中國高中卒業證書是不是可直接進入愛爾蘭大學?

No, because we follow the British education system which requires 13 years. The student can directly go to the 2-year certificate program and after that study the second year of degree program. 不,由於愛爾蘭遵守英國教導體系體例,英國請求13年的根本教導。中國粹生可以直接進入2年的證書課程,然後再修讀學士學位的第二年。

15.How much shall I still have as living expenses besides accommodation and tuition? 除膏火和食宿費,我還須要若幹米飯錢?

Even if you have paid tuition and accommodation, you still need IR100 per week as living expenses for travelling and transportation. 縱然你已付出食宿費,你仍需每周有100愛爾蘭鎊用。

