繳費時光 |
入膏火(註冊費) |
黌舍用度 |
其他用度* |
共計 |
膏火 |
教導情況改良用度 |
國際教導費 |
早稻田大學門生晉升康健合作結合費 |
2014年春天入學時 |
200,000 |
579,000 |
90,000 |
35,000 |
1,500 |
905,500 |
2014年秋天入學時 |
- |
579,000 |
90,000 |
35,000 |
1,500 |
705,500 |
共計 |
200,000 |
1,158,000 |
180,000 |
70,000 |
3,000 |
1,611,000 |
註:1國民幣元=16.2568日元 2014-5-29 當日數據 僅供參考!
1.Waseda University uses an automatic account transfer system for payment of school expenses. School expenses for the fall semester are transferred on October 1. School expenses for the spring semester are transferred on May 1 in the second and subsequent years. If financial institutions are closed on October 1 or May 1, the account transfer will be processed on the following business day.
2.Some specific courses may require separate fees for field work.
3.When students choose to study abroad, they will not be required to pay the tuition of both Waseda University and the host university. However, note that tuition may vary by programs and other fees, such as lodging, food, and living expenses will be required.
4.40,000 yen for the alumni association membership fee is required in the fourth year.
5.Those who have graduated or withdrawn from Waseda University are not required to pay the entrance fee (registration fee).
1. 早稻田大學應用主動轉賬體系收繳膏火。秋天開學學期繳費時光是10月1日,次年春天開學學期繳費時光是次年5月1日。假如金融機構在10月1日或5月1日不開業,則順延到下一個事情日。
2. 詳細到某些專業大概還要分外收取專業範疇研討用度。
3. 選取外洋留學的門生不消交早稻田大學膏火也不消繳納留學黌舍的膏火。然則,有些課程項目膏火大概其他用度會有差異,比方門生須要繳納投止,餐費和米飯錢。
4. 在大學第四學年,門生須要繳納4萬日元的校友結合會會費。(本段由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )翻譯,僅供參考!)
School Expenses and Other Fees (Enrollee of September 2014)
*The amount of "Other Fees" indicated above is subject to change
進修相幹用度和其他用度 (2014年9月入學)
繳費時光 |
入膏火(註冊費) |
黌舍用度 |
其他用度* |
共計 |
膏火 |
教導情況改良用度 |
國際教導費 |
早稻田大學門生晉升康健合作結合費 |
2014年秋天入學時 |
200,000 |
579,000 |
90,000 |
35,000 |
1,500 |
905,500 |
2015年春天入學時 |
- |
583,000 |
90,000 |
35,000 |
1,500 |
709,500 |
共計 |
200,000 |
1,162,000 |
180,000 |
70,000 |
3,000 |
1,615,000 |
1.Waseda University uses an automatic account transfer system for payment of school expenses. School expenses for the spring semester are transferred on May 1. School expenses for the fall semester are transferred on October 1 in the second and subsequent years. If financial institutions are closed on May 1 or October 1, the account transfer will be processed on the following business day.
2.Some specific courses may require separate fees for field work.
3.When students choose to study abroad, they will not be required to pay the tuition of both Waseda University and the host university. However, note that tuition may vary by programs and other fees, such as lodging, food, and living expenses will be required.
4.40,000 yen for the alumni association membership fee is required in the fourth year.
5.Those who have graduated or withdrawn from Waseda University are not required to pay the entrance fee (registration fee).
5.已在早稻田大學念書卒業了大概退學的門生不須要繳納入學用度(註冊費)。(本段由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )翻譯,僅供參考!)
以上是由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )為眾人具體先容的2014-2015早稻田大學國際教導研討學院本科留學用度,願望對眾人有所贊助!
註:“2014-2015早稻田大學國際教導研討學院本科留學用度”本文由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )原創,轉載請註明來由和相幹鏈接,不然窮究其司法義務!