【美國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/usa/) - 美國留學熱點專業】美國留學精算碩士專業推舉院校
因為開設美國精算碩士的黌舍數目異常有限,以是眾人在選校時,精算偏向的排名現實上沒有甚麽太大的意義。美國精算碩士專業大多著重於運用的某一方面,好比威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校(U of Wisconsin-Madison)的精算較為著重精算在金融範疇特殊是衍臨盆品的運用,而有的黌舍則著重於精算在醫療保險的運用。
1. University of Iowa
2. University of Texas at Austin
3. University of Minnesota - Duluth
4. Oregon State University
5. Abraham Lincoln University
6. University of Nebraska - Lincoln
7. University of Arizona
1. University of Connecticut
2. Illinois Institute of Technology
3. Temple University
4. Ohio State University
5. Bank Street College
6. George Mason University
7. Kutztown University Of Pennsylvania
8. Georgia State University
9. University of Michigan
10. Boston University
11. Mount Mary College
12. Columbia University
13. Metropolitan College of New York
14. Illinois State University
15. Ball State University
16. University of Wisconsin - Madison
17. Eastern Michigan University
18. DePaul University
19. Roosevelt University
20. University of Central Florida