
2015/03/05 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

【美國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/usa/) - 美國留學專業資訊】美國加州伯克利大門生物工程專業先容

黌舍名稱:美國加州大學伯克利分校 University of California-Berkeley
院校地點:110 Sproul Hall Berkeley, CA 94720-5800 (510) 642-6000

    加州伯克利大學(University of California Berkeley)

  美國州立高級黌舍,大學建立於1868年,是加利福尼亞大學 9 所分校中汗青最悠長也最有榮譽的一所。處於舊金山以東21千米的伯克就手,地處矽谷邊沿。伯克利大學在全美公立大學排名中屢次名列第一,被公以為天下頂尖的學府之一。該校有3萬多門生,光藏書樓就有20多個,黌舍藏書樓藏書達700萬冊,有300套微縮膠片和10萬種期刊。伯克利大學傳授裏有16個諾貝爾獎得主,種植了不可勝數的官場首腦和社會棟梁。英特爾公司總裁安得魯便是該校工程系卒業的門生。


  ·Biomaterials ·Drug Delivery Systems & Pharmacogenomics

  ·BioMEMS & Nanotech ·Biomedical Imaging & Instrumentation

  ·Computational Biology ·Neural Systems Engineering & Vision Science

  ·Biomechanics ·Systems & Synthetic Biology

  ·Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine



  Tests should be taken no later than December 1st in order for the official test scores to reach our office by the deadline. 托福測驗時光不得晚於12月1日。

  ·GRE:須要供給GRE成就,然則GRE subject和寫作部門不是必需的。勝利的申請者的GRE分數一樣平常需到達85%以上。


  ·Academic background:具有工程、生物或其他天然科學的本科學位門生可以申請。申請者最佳具有:2年的大學數學課程,包含微積分和微分方程,1年的物理和化學課程,也包含工程大概生物學科方面的高年級課程。也發起門生修線性代數。Anyone with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in engineering, biology, or other sciences, is eligible for admission. Appropriate academic preparation includes a two-year college mathematics sequence, including calculus and differential equations, and a one-year sequence in physics and chemistry, plus extensive upper-division work in either engineering or biology. A course in linear algebra is highly desirable. 前提登科Outstanding students lacking some of these requirements may be admitted on the condition that they complete the basic entrance requirements immediately after admission to the Group.


  Perquisite courses before entering PHD program(進入PHD項目請求的先修課程)

  ·Anatomy, physiology, and biology: 9 semester or 13.5 quarter units of upper division or graduate level coursework.

  ·Biochemistry and/or intermediate chemistry: 3 semester or 4.5 quarter units of upper division or graduate level coursework.

  ·Engineering and/or computer science: 7 semester or 10.5 quarter units of upper division or graduate level coursework.

  ·Mathematics and/or statistics: 2 semester or 3 quarter units of upper division or graduate level coursework.

  Sixteen semester units of graduate level coursework must be taken in the major field and eight units of upper division or graduate coursework in the minor field, exclusive of seminars and research.
