
2015/10/20 瀏覽次數:11 收藏

  SSAT官方本日宣布聲明:將撤消2015年9月19日中國地域的全部Upper Level SSAT測驗成就,如下是具體內容,供考生參考。


  from SSATB: We regret to inform you that we are canceling all Upper Level SSAT scores from the September 19, 2015 administration in China. The test was administered on that date in Shanghai and Beijing to a total of 357 students.

  After careful study and analysis of all the Upper Level scoring data, SSATB has concluded that there is a reasonable basis to question the validity of the test scores from this administration. Therefore, in accordance with the terms of the Candidate Agreement and the SSAT Candidate Handbook, we are canceling all the Upper Level test scores from this administration.

  咱們將撤消2015年9月19日中國地域的全部Upper Level SSAT測驗成就,對此咱們深表遺憾。當日在北京和上海加入該測驗的考生一共有357名。

  在對該次測驗的測驗數據舉行謹慎查詢拜訪和細心剖析後,SSATB有充足的來由對這次測驗成就的有用性舉行質疑。是以,基於考生贊成書和SSAT考外行冊中的有關條例,咱們決議撤消這次Upper Level SSAT測驗的全部成就。
