
2015/11/18 瀏覽次數:8 收藏

  AMC finds a bloody, fun and entertaining non-zombie counterpart to 'The Walking Dead'——Into the Badlands.


  Imagine the delight of true martial arts movie fans at the creation of an action-packed, insanely bloody and entertainingly intense television series. One hour a week (in the case of Into the Badlands season one, a mere six episodes) of kicks, punches, slicing, dicing and neck-snapping. It's what they want.


  Into the Badlands is first and foremost about kicking ass. There's some story there, sure. In fact, the creators say its "very loosely based on the Chinese tale ‘Journey to the West,'" which suggests that part of Into the Badlands will be about journeying out of the badlands to the unknown areas of the world.


  But in the first two episodes sent to critics, we meet the core group still in the titular badlands and not wanting to leave. They are Sunny (Daniel Wu), the most legendary Clipper and killer ever, tallying more than 400 kills since age 9 (each one a mark tattooed on his back). Sunny works for Baron Quinn (Marton Csokas), We don't get to meet any others except for The Widow (Emily Beecham), a redheaded martial artist and sharp weapons enthusiast (duh), who's training young female Clippers she calls Butterflies.

  然則在影評人收到的第一二會合,咱們看到主人公們仍舊留在險惡之地,不肯分開。該劇的主人公有Sunny(吳彥祖飾),他是最為傳奇的"快閃人"和殺手。從9歲開端殺人的他,已殺死400多人(每殺一小我,他都邑在背部紋上一個標誌)。Sunny為Baron Quinn(馬爾頓·索克斯飾)幹事。別的另有The Widow(艾米麗·比查姆飾),她一頭紅發,是名對尖利兵器癡迷的技擊家;她要練習年青的女"快閃人"(又稱胡蝶)。其他主人公樣片中並未湧現。

  The link between the two barons is the mysterious teenage boy M.K. (Aramis Knight), found by Sunny. M.K. possesses otherworldly powers of badassedness that emerge from him when his skin is cut (and he wakes up not knowing how many people he's destroyed). Everybody wants to own or train him.


  Look, Into the Badlands features a number of familiar tropes, not least of which is the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of it all. But it's fun, it's escapist thrill-seeking and, in its penchant for violence and blood, it's a perfect companion series to The Walking Dead, while maintaining its own distinct identity.
