
2015/06/19 瀏覽次數:27 收藏


  To sound like a Brit, you’ll need a “flexible tonguetip,” and for that you must exercise, says BarbaraBerkery, a dialect and voice coach currently tutoringGeoffrey Rush on the Queensland set of the fifth“Pirates of the Caribbean” film.

  口音和發音鍛練芭芭拉·伯克裏(Barbara Berkery)說,想說一口英音,得有個“靈巧的舌尖”,只有經由過程演習能力實現。今朝,她在《加勒比海盜》(Pirates of the Caribbean)第五部的昆士蘭片場指點傑弗裏·拉什(Geoffrey Rush)。

  Americans have particularly lazy tongue tips. WhenBerkery is training an actor in a British accent, shestarts with a tongue boot camp of silent flicks and twists. There is a physicality to speech weprattling adults often overlook.


  “Babies learn to speak by watching us making shapes at them from their crib,” says Berkery,who advises her clients to similarly study mouths while watching videos of politicians, like DavidCameron, who have perfected the British accent that linguists call “Received Pronunciation.”

  “嬰兒學措辭是從躺在繈褓裏看大人的口型開端的,”伯克裏說。她發起客戶用相似的辦法進修口型,好比旁觀政客的發言視頻,好比戴維·卡梅倫(David Cameron)的英音就到達了說話學家們所說的“尺度發音”。

  BBC programs are also good primers. Americans speak with wide, almost grinlike mouths.British speech requires a dropped jaw and vertically open lips. (Imagine you are blowing kissesand then say the word “swan.”) Clearly enunciate consonants. Don’t, for example, say T’s asD’s (it is “butter,” not “budder”). “That’s a very American thing,” Berkery says. You should hearthe full T at the end of “cat.”


  Practice British consonants and vowels with repetitive ditties, like “Ten tiny typists trippedthrough the tunnel”; after that, graduate to reading whole chapters of British novels aloud.Don’t run words together as Americans do. Instead, each word needs what Berkery calls an“infinitesimal space” around it, which will make you speak more slowly.

  接下來,用繞口令演習英語子音和元音,好比“Ten tiny typists tripped through the tunnel”;以後高聲朗誦整章英文小說。不要像美國人那樣把單詞連在一路念。而要像伯克裏說的那樣,在每一個單詞先後留出“無窮短的停留”,如許你措辭會慢一點。

  At a certain point, go undercover. Berkery trained Renée Zellweger to sound British for her rolein the movie “Bridget Jones’s Diary.” Before filming started, Zellweger used an alias to get atemp job at a London publishing house where everyone assumed she was British. Order at arestaurant or ask to try on clothes in a department store in your new patois. “Use the accentwith strangers, otherwise you’ll never get it,” Berkery says. Practice until nothing can jar youout of it, not even a sex scene or a close call with an oncoming taxi.

  到了某個階段,就能夠像臥底同樣實戰練習了。蕾妮·齊薇格(Renée Zellweger)拍《BJ獨身只身日誌》(BridgetJones’s Diary)的時刻,伯克裏也幫她練過英音。拍攝開端前,齊薇格用假名在倫敦一家出書社做暫時工,那邊的人都認為她是英國人。用你的新口音在餐廳點餐,大概在阛阓請求試衣。“用這類口音跟生疏人措辭,不然你永久也沒法控制它,”伯克裏說。賡續演習,直到口音在任何情形下都不會轉變,就舉動當作愛大概急忙叫住劈面而來的出租車時也同樣。

  Get good enough, and eventually you will be able to slip effortlessly into the accent. “It shouldbe second nature to you,” Berkery says.
