十年罕見的天體秀 五大行星同時現身

2016/01/28 瀏覽次數:11 收藏

  Five planets will parade across the dawn sky earlyWednesday in a rare celestial spectacle set to repeatevery morning until late next month.


  Headlining the planetary performance are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. It will bethe first time in more than a decade that the fab five will be simultaneously visible to thenaked eye, according to Jason Kendall, who is on the board of the Amateur AstronomersAssociation of New York.

  這場行星演出的主角分離是水星、金星、火星、土星和木星。據紐約業余天文喜好者協會(AmateurAstronomers Association of New York)委員賈森·肯德爾(Jason Kendall)稱,這將是十多年來,人們初次能用肉眼同時看到五顆行星。

  Admission is free, though stargazers in the Northern Hemisphere should plan to get up about45 minutes before sunrise to catch the show. City dwellers can stay in their neighborhoods towatch, as long as they point their attention to the east, according to Mr. Kendall.


  “For Mercury you will need binoculars,” he said. “It will not jump out at you, but everybodyshould be able to see Venus and Jupiter.”


  Mr. Kendall said that the hardest task for viewers will be discerning the planets from starstwinkling in the sky. But he offers a simple trick: close one eye, stretch out your arm and slowlypass your thumb over a bright dot in the sky. If the dot slowly dims out when your thumbpasses over it, it’s a planet. If it quickly blinks out, it’s a distant star.


  The show is expected to run from Jan. 20 until Feb. 20, but the peak time to see all five is fromthe end of January until the first week of February, when Mercury is at its highest points,according to Sky & Telescope. The display is made possible by the uncommon alignmentof all five planets along what is called the “ecliptic” plane of their orbits according to Jim Green,the planetary science division director at NASA.

  演出估計將從1月20日連續到2月20日,但同時看到五顆行星的絕佳時光是從1月末到2月的第一周。據《天空和千裏鏡》(Sky & Telescope)雜誌稱,這時代水星位於最高點。NASA行星科學部分賣力人吉姆·格林(Jim Green)稱,這一征象之以是成為大概,是由於五顆行星罕有地沿其軌道的“黃道”面分列成為了一條線。

  Each planet will appear in the sky one by one, starting Tuesday evening with Jupiter around9:20 p.m. in New York. Mars will follow the gas giant’s solo debut, appearing as a reddish dotat approximately 1:11 a.m. E.S.T. Wednesday. Saturn enters next around 4:00 a.m., followedby Venus — the brightest orb — nearly an hour later. Mercury will join the ensemble last,taking the stage at around 6:17 a.m. It will last until the sun rises, at about 7:15 a.m. onWednesday in New York, and makes it too bright to see the planets. The display will appear inthe sky at similar times across the East Coast and before dawn across the northernHemisphere.


  “It’s not super often you get to see them all at the same time in the sky, it’s like seeing all ofyour friends at once,” said Jackie Faherty, an astronomer from the American Museum ofNatural History. “There they are, the other rocks or balls of gas that are running around thesun.”

  “同時在空中看到這五顆行星的機遇不是特殊常見,就像同時見到全部的同夥,”美國天然汗青博物館(American Museum of Natural History)的天文學專家傑基·法赫蒂(Jackie Faherty)說。“如今他們來了——其他那些環繞著太陽扭轉的巖石或氣團。”

  Those who miss the planetary alignment this time around will have another opportunity fromAug. 13 to 19, when the cosmic motley crew gives an encore performance, according toEarthSky.org. That show will take place in the dusk sky, giving stargazers in the SouthernHemisphere the best vantage points.
