
2016/02/02 瀏覽次數:9 收藏

【芬蘭留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/finland/) - 芬蘭留學申請前提】瑞典經濟與工商治理學院申請前提

  Admissions Requirements 2016

  Each programme has its own set of admissions requirements which you find below under every programme's own pages.

  Admissions requirements overview

  To be able to apply, you need to have:

  -A Bachelor’s degree

  -Sufficient background in economic sciences

  -Sufficient language skills

  -A GMAT or GRE admissions test score

  The application period is:

  14 December 2015 - 27 January 2016 at 15.00 (GMT +2)

  Note! You can only apply to one Master's degree programme at Hanken. Hence, familiarize yourself with the programmes in order to choose the one that interest you the most.


