簽證經驗: 5/4 SH F1 MPA 1000 PASS!

2011/05/03 瀏覽次數:7 收藏

【德國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/german/) - 德國留學出國簽證】簽證履歷: 5/4 SH F1 MPA 1000 PASS!

預約在上午9:30,6:30起床把預備的題目過了一遍,塞了四個饅頭兩個雞蛋(都說要多吃點) ,7:30出門表面鄙人雨8:15順遂達到梅隴鎮,向底樓門衛出示護照,8樓門衛出示護照+156表,卸下皮帶腕表後過防盜門進入簽證大廳,人未幾,看模樣泰半是商務和投親的。往裏走的時刻忽然看見一美男盯著我看 ,剛想擺POSE就發明MM眼神的地位紕謬,想起皮帶還在手上,趕緊找個角落裝上,轉頭對MM報以東風般的微笑 。隨意找了個位子坐下,5分鐘後忽然想起資料沒交,不是說有人提示的嗎 ……趕緊到1號窗口交了。本日人少秩序不錯,保安大叔樂得安閑在一旁噶山糊。

我到的時刻開著5個窗口,我在8號前坐下,如許可以看到3個VO的情形,8號是黃襯衫的中年男VO,頭發不是很稠密;9號是GLASS GG,7號也是一GG,長相通俗的說。重點視察9號VO,他本日好象專門簽F1。GLASS本日心境不錯,待人也異常親熱,我看到在他這裏過了5個F1和1個J1,沒有拒的 。個中一個F1 GG,起首對著VO一通“頓挫抑揚”的英語先容,問了一兩個題目後VO問他要resume,說了兩便他楞是沒懂,VO無法子用中文重讀了“簡歷”他才反響過來,成果他還沒帶 !VO用英語說你怎樣連份簡歷也禁絕備呢?GG還一個勁的yes yes,VO則一個勁的搖頭 。我恍如聽到喪鐘的敲響,沒想到VO敲了會電腦,對GG bla bla bla了一通,最後拋出了句,You passed, study hard in *** univ.! GG還沒反響過來,VO又揮了揮綠條,還沒反響,這時連保安大叔都對GG喊你經由過程了,快整理分開,GG才跳了起來對VO一個勁的THANK YOU THANK YOU,發音不是很尺度,我聽成為了F*CK YOU F*CK YOU 。這時我篤定了許多,認為本身本日只要能到GLASS手裏,十之八九能簽出。

這時10號窗口也開了,是哪一個VO看不見,我也沒在乎,沒想到第一個叫的便是我的號 ,我誰人慌啊,走曩昔就想說GOOD MORNING SIR,沒想到是個金發綠衫LADY,立時調劑心境報以璀璨的微笑,先查對姓名再采指紋,然後就進入問答了:

VO: So, you are going to study MPA, why you choose this program?
Me: MPA is highly promising in China, especially after 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and 2010 Shanghai EXPO. With several years working experience in the similar field, I find myself irresistibly drawn to a career in Public Administration, I believe it's an investment to further my study in public administration and it will also give me rich and generous return in the future.
VO: (頷首) So you're going to study at……
Me: (立時接話) **** Univ. It's a quite good school that strong in MPA program, it's research focus; experienced profs and.competitive students are ideal to help me meet my precise goals. (還想說下去,被VO打斷了)
VO: So what difference between MPA and MBA?
Me: (MBA美國較好找事情,VO屬於明知故問,懂得了這層寄義也就好答復了)
MPA is a science in management and administration, to develop professional leadership in public administration, students need to deepen their knowledge and skills in non-profit governance, ……bla bla bla, but MBA…….bla bla bla.
VO: Ok, give me your admission letter and scholarship offer letter.
Me: 遞給她
VO: Can you give me your financial certificate?
Me: 趕緊把存款證實和存單拿出來. By the way, I made a financial list that clearly show my financial status, here it is.
VO: Thank you! 然後就一張張的看,看到我父親有張花旗銀行的證實時就問,how to prove *** is your father? 我沒反響過來,她立時說,I mean your Hukouben. 我預備的是Household Register, 楞沒明確她用中文說的戶口本,因而她又反復了一邊 HU KOU BEN! 外加肢體說話,此次終究明確了,連忙遞給她。
VO: 又轉戰我的158表,so you are working in Shanghai *****.company? What kind of this.company?
Me: It's an e.commerce.company, my duty was develop domestic clients in Internet-based business, and I have quitted this job last year.
VO: (很驚奇,趕緊看我的156) Oh, then what are you doing now?
Me: I'm studying at a language training school because I want to improve my English especially English in administration before go to the US.
VO: (頷首) What will you do after finish your study?
Me: I will.come back to China to develop my future career in a big international consulting.company, such as Deloitte Global and PWC Global, these.companies highly encourage MPA talents to work at there.
VO: (頷首,一邊在我I-20上具名一邊說) When do you plan to go to the US?
Me: 臉上又一次綻開璀璨的微笑,August 27, because it will be a mandatory orientation in school.
VO: Well! 拿著綠條朝我晃晃 Have a nice trip to the US!
Me: Thank you very much! Have a nice weekend!
整理了器械就P顛P顛 辦EMS去了,出來雨也停了,瞥見表面的老外一人一個flying ,老中一人一個東風般的微笑 ,爽!



VISA Materials Checklist

·Admission & Scholarship Materials Index ------------------------------------- A

-- Admission Letter of *** Univ. ………………………………………………… A1
-- Scholarship Offer Letter from *** Univ. ……………………………………… A2

·Historical Univ. Materials Index ------------------------------------------------ B
-- Undergraduate Credential Evaluation Report from
World Education Services (WES) ……………………………………………… B1
Shanghai *** University
-- Graduate Certificate …………………………………………………………… B2
-- Undergraduate Transcripts (English and Chinese) ……………………………… B3

·Financial Supporting Index ------------------------------------------------------ C
-- Financial Balance ……………………………………………………………… C1
-- Certificate of Deposits ………………………………………………………… C2
-- Certificate of Employment and I.come ………………………………………… C3
-- Financial Guarantee …………………………………………………………… C4

·Others ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D
-- Personal Statement ……………………………………………………………… D1
-- Resume ………………………………………………………………………… D2
-- TOEFL & GRE Scores Report ………………………………………………… D3
-- Certificate of Real Estate Ownership …………………………………………… D4
-- Household Register …………………………………………………………… D5
-- WebPages of My Future Study Field …………………………………………… D6
-- Some of My Certificate of Honors ……………………………………………… D7

Financial Balance


The total amount of deposits is equivalent to approximately USD ***** based on the exchange rate on April 30, 2007. The detail as below:




Exchange Rate

(As of April 30, 2007)

Value in USD














7.70 (RMB/USD)





7.70 (RMB/USD)


Total Amount (In USD)


Costs of the year:
Average costs for an academic year in the USA to be:


Tuition and fees



Living expenses



Expenses of dependents



Other: Books, Supplies




*** Univ. Scholarship + Tuition Cr


Total Costs (In USD)


abroad.hopetrip.com.hk 簽證小知識:

5/4 SH F1 MPA 1000 PASS!