【美國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/usa/) - 美國留學日誌&履歷】美國留學 過來人教你若何報稅
Your first name and initial: e.g. Shr-Wei, SC (C為Last Name的第一個字母)
Last Name: Chen
Identifying number: Social Security Number (SSN) 或Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)。若都沒有,請洽詢ISSS申請ITIN。
Present home address…and next: 填寫地點
Of what country were you a citizen or national during 2011(以此參考)?: China
Give address outside the United States…: 退稅時您大概已回到中國,您可選取將稅款直接存入您美國賬戶,或是將支票寄到您中國地點
Give address in the country where you are a permanent resident: 中國地點
Filing Satus: 在1或2前面打勾
3. Wages, salaries, tips, etc: 請填入W-2 Form的Box 1,假如有好幾張請加起來
4. Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes: 這邊的算法究竟上有點龐雜,咱們是發起填0
5. Scholarship and fellowship grants: 填入1042-S的Box 2
6. Total wages and scholarships exempt by a treaty: 填0
7. Add lines 3, 4, and 7: 把3, 4, 5三行數字加起來
8. Scholarship and fellowship grants excluded: 填0
9. Student loan interest deduction: 填0
10. Adjusted gross income: 第7行減第8行再減第9行
11. Itemized deductions: 請填入W-2 Form的Box 17+Box 19
12. Subtract line 11 from line 10: 第10行減第11行
13. Exemption deduction: 請填入3200
14. Taxable income. Subtract line 13 from line 12: 第12行減第13行
15 Tax. Find your tax in the Tax Table on pages 12–20: 自仿單12-20頁中查應繳的稅
16. Social security and Medicare tax….: 填0
17. Add lines 15 and 16. This is your total tax: 第15行加第16行
18. Federal income tax withheld: 1042-S的Box 7+W-2的Box 2
19. 2011(以此參考) estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2004 return: 填0
20. Credit for amount paid with Form 1040-C: 填0
21 Add lines 18 through 20: 第18行加到第20行
22. If line 21 is more than line 17, subtract line 17 from line 21: 比擬第17行與第21行,假如第21行多於第17行,就填入第21行減第17行,這是可退的稅款,
23. 假如要退款直接存入銀行帳戶,請填寫銀行材料,Routing Number請洽詢銀行
24. 填0
Amount you owe
25. 假如第21行少於第17行,請填入第17行減第21行,這是要繳的稅款
26. 填0
本頁別的就僅需在Sign Here部分署名,日期及寫下職業(Student),Paid Preparer部分免填
A. What country issued your passport? China
B. Were you ever a U.S. citizen? 選No
C. Give the purpose of your visit to the United States: Study
D. Type of entry visa and current nonimmigrant status and date of change: F-1, D/S, N/A
E. Date you entered the United States: 比來一次入境美國時光
F. Did you give up your permanent residence as an immigrant in the United States this year? 選No