申請時已高中卒業的門生 |
申請時高中還未卒業的門生 |
申請資歷證實資料 |
高中卒業證書 |
高三行將卒業證實 |
學術成就單 |
學術成就單(高中三年全體成就) |
學術成就單(高中前2年半成就,包含高三第一學期成就) |
大學入學測驗或其他測驗證實 |
高考績績 |
不克不及提交高考績績緣故原由解釋信件 (*非日語的要用日語大概英語解釋大概加入別國的尺度化入學測驗) |
申請請求 |
招生人數 |
申請種別 |
申請人已完成或行將完成日本12年制教導 |
125 |
4月入學本科英語課程(日本海內) |
100 |
4月入學本英語課程 (外洋) |
*Application qualification and admission category are not decided by your nationality. Formore details of the applicant qualifications, please be sure to refer to the Application Guide.
Selection提拔Screening of the documents submitted with your application will produce one of three results: Unconditional Offer; Conditional Offer, Fail. An Unconditional Offer will mean that you can be admitted to SILS without any further Interview or other test. If you receive a Conditional Offer, you will be invited for an interview and a written test, after which a decision will be made on whether you can be admitted.
考核申請人的申請資料今後會獲得如下三種成果:無前提登科;有前提登科,;大概申請失敗.收到無前提登科的申請人可以勝利入學申請項目,不消接收後續的口試和測試. 收到有前提登科的申請人就象征著還要加入後續口試, 口試以後,招生登科事情職員會斷定申請人是不是到達英語講課課程本科入學請求,並作出末了決議
Schedule: 2015 AO April Entry (Overseas)
(更新於: 2014 3月6日)
a) 申請時光 |
8月20日 (禮拜三), 2014 |
b) 資料考核公示時光和口試和寫作測試關照時光*資料考核成果寄到申請人今後,收到有前提登科成果的才會支配口試。 |
10月17日 (禮拜五), 2014 |
c) 口試和寫作測試時光 (針對有前提登科者) |
11月 1日 (禮拜六.), 2014 |
d) 末了登科成果公示 |
11月 25日 (禮拜二), 2014 |
Required Documents for Admission
1. Application Form (in English) : Personal Details, Educational Background, Test Information, Plans, Experience of Studying Abroad, Academic Honors and Personal Activities, English Essay etc. ⇒Please prepare and print out the form via the Waseda Online Admissions Application (See below)
2. Document to Prove Your Applicant Qualification (Certificate of graduation or Certificate of expected graduation of the senior high school etc.)
3. Academic transcript (from all high schools you have attended)
4. Certificate of results of university entrance qualification examinations and other standardized tests; SAT, ACT, IB, GCE, Baccalaureate, Abitur, etc.
5. English proficiency test score; TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, GEPT, or EIKEN
*Applicants whose first language is not English are required to submit official results from one of the above tests. But, if you submit a certificate of university entrance qualification examination/standardized test administered for an educational system in which the first language is English (such as SAT, ACT, GCE, IB taught in English etc.), you are not required to submit a certificate related to your English proficiency.
1. 申請表格(英文版):小我具體材料,教導配景,測試成就信息,進修籌劃,外洋進修閱歷,所獲進修聲譽和小我運動,英語寫作等等。⇒請在早稻田大學在線申請體系預備並打印申請表(地點以下: https://www.apply.waseda.jp/)。
2. 申請資歷證實資料(高中卒業證書或高中行將卒業證實等。)
4.大學入學資歷測驗成就證實和其他尺度化成就。; 美國尺度化入學測驗, 才能偏向測試, 國際文憑, 環球教導宣揚, 學士學位, 德國高考, 等等。
*For more details of application documents and application procedures, please be sure to refer to the Application Guide.
(本段由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )翻譯,僅供參考!)
以上是由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )為眾人具體先容的2014早稻田大學國際教導研討學院英語授教材科課程申請,願望對眾人有所贊助!
註:“2014早稻田大學國際教導研討學院英語授教材科課程申請”本文由出國留學頻道(abroad.hopetrip.com.hk )原創,轉載,請註明來由和相幹鏈接,不然窮究其司法義務!