
2015/07/02 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

  Ant Financial, Alibaba’s online payments affiliate, has completed a fund raising that values the company at $45bn-$50bn, according to people close to the Chinese ecommerce group.

  熟習阿裏巴巴(Alibaba)情形的人士表現,該團體在線付出分公司螞蟻金服(Ant Financial)已完成一輪募資,令其估值到達450億美元到500億美元之間。

  The $45bn-$50bn valuation would place Ant Financial among the world’s most valuable private technology companies, alongside smartphone maker Xiaomi and US car hailing app Uber.


  Xiaomi was valued at $45bn last year, while Uber is reportedly in the process of raising funds that value it at $50bn.


  Ant Financial operates Alipay, the Paypal-like online payments company, that handled $778bn in the year to end-June 2014, according to Alibaba.


  That is three times the amount handled by US peer Paypal, and equivalent to one-third of the $2.5tn in total global online payments last year, according Juniper Research.

  依據Juniper Research的說法,這一數額是其美國同業Paypal的三倍,也即是客歲環球2.5萬億美元在線付出總額的三分之一。

  Last year Ant Financial was among a handful of internet companies given permission to open an internet bank, with the launch scheduled for next week.


  Ant Financial’s main shareholder is Jack Ma, Alibaba’s chairman, while other shareholders include David Yu, co-founder of Yunfeng Capital, Mr Ma’s private equity fund. Mr Yu was among the investors in the latest Ant Financial private share placement, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.

  螞蟻金服的重要股東是阿裏巴巴董事長馬雲(Jack Ma),其他股東包含雲鋒基金(Yunfeng Capital)結合開創人虞鋒(David Yu)。雲鋒基金是馬雲的私募股權基金。知戀人士表現,虞鋒是螞蟻金服最新一輪私家配股的投資者之一。

  China Development Bank Capital, an investment arm of China Development Bank, was another investor, according to a person familiar with the transaction. Ant Financial has also revealed that investors include China’s National Social Security Fund.

  熟習該生意業務的知戀人士表現,中國國度開辟銀行(China Development Bank)旗下的投資分公司國開金融(China Development Bank Capital),也是螞蟻金服的投資方。別的,螞蟻金服還曾表露其投資方包含中國天下社保基金(National Social Security Fund)。

  Ant Financial refused to disclose the amount of funds raised, nor the number of shares placed.


  Mr Ma has previously said that Ant Financial has plans for an initial public offering in China but has declined to say when, although press reports have suggested that the likely date would fall in 2017.


  “We don’t deny were working towards an IPO, but we don’t have a timeline,” said Ant Financial.


  Alipay was the subject of one of China’s most controversial corporate governance scandals, when in 2011 Mr Ma took it out of Alibaba and placed it under the direct control of himself and some associates. Yahoo, at the time a 40 per cent shareholder in Alibaba, was among the main protesters.


  Mr Ma claims he needed to do this in order to satisfy new Chinese regulations on online finance. Alibaba later settled with Yahoo and SoftBank, the Japanese technology group that is its other major shareholder.
