
2016/01/18 瀏覽次數:18 收藏

  歐洲列國就業遠景排行 Best and worst countries in Europe for job prospects revealed

  Having endured a long and gradual recovery fromthe financial crisis of 2008, Britain now offers some of the best prospects for job seekers inEurope, research suggests.


  On a global level, Estonia and Norway enjoy the strongest job prospects, followed by the US,UK, Austria, Denmark and Germany, recruitment experts Glassdoor said.


  Sluggish economic performance has hampered employment levels in Greece, Spain andPortugal, with job seekers in these countries facing the worst job prospects, the report adds.


  In terms of the scale of the recovery since the onset of the financial crisis, Germany hasimpressed, with employment returning to pre-crisis levels, Glassdoor said.


  In the UK, economic performance is 'growing strongly', meaning employment is expanding'quite fast', the research suggests.


  In Greece and Spain, at least 25 percent of the population is unemployed. In France, Portugal,Ireland and Italy the rate of unemployment is at least 10 percent.


  At 5 percent or less, Germany, Switzerland and Norway have the lowest percentage of peopleout of work, followed by around 6 percent in the UK and Austria.


  Youth unemployment is more than 50 percent in Greece and Spain, almost 43 percent in Italyand nearly 25 percent in France, Ireland and Belgium - significantly above the UK figure of 17percent.


  Dr Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor's chief economist, said: 'European labour markets today arediverse and present myriad challenges, as well as opportunities, for job-seekers.


  'On the one hand, countries like the UK, Germany, Austria and Switzerland enjoy below averageunemployment.


  'By contrast, Greece, Spain and Portugal have continued to struggle with double-digitunemployment and slow economic growth, partly due to inflexible labour market regulationsthat have proven difficult to reform in recent years.'


  Since the financial crisis, there has been a notable surge in temporary or part-time work.Such roles often offer less-than-ideal working hours, little flexibility and low pay, Glassdoorsaid.


  Temporary contracts are particularly common in Spain, the Netherlands, and Portugal, affectingmore than two in ten of people employed.


  The number of people in temporary roles is also relatively high in Sweden, France, and Finland,where it exceeds 15 percent.


  The proportion of people who work part-time but would rather be working full-time hasincreased everywhere since 2008 with the exception of Germany, Belgium and Sweden, theresearch reveals.


  Countries which have the highest number of people working part-time while looking for full-timepositions include Italy, Spain and Ireland.
